Would love to start a discussion on this and what ya'll think.
I'm under the impression that aliens are demonic entities. I've seen and read too much to think that they aren't.
The cases where they kidnap and "operate" on people being stopped with the name of Jesus is pretty eye-opening.
The thing that I've wondered is why they showed up after the nukes were dropped on Japan and the testing of nuclear weapons.
Why would these demonic entities "help" humanity by turning off nuclear silos, floating over the White House as a "warning", and furthermore, trying to stop nuclear war from happening?
My thought is this:
Satan is the Prince of this World. He runs this world. If humanity destroys itself and this place, Satan has no world to rule over. No more opportunity to take more souls to hell with him. It's in his best interest to stop humanity from doing this.
This might be the reason why these aliens helped humanity stop nuclear war. But as in all things Satanic, it is deception and his self interests are above all.
Wondering what you guys think about this theory? Any other thoughts about aliens, paranormal, I'm very interested in hearing it.
God bless you all.
I saw UFOs hovering over Atlanta the other night. No fear because Jesus is King and they can all go fck themselves.
Yeah.tell them- all illusions, deceptions, holograms, demons, aliens to go Fuck themselves.. seriously. Remember even in Jesus days, satan showed him all the palaces and kingdoms of the world (I assume pyramid structures and such) and Jesus told him to go away, worship the Lord your God, and only HIM do you serve!!
because I'm actually listening to this audio book right now - EARTH: An Alien Enterprise by Timothy Good. And it has a compilation of testimonies from civilians and military. Guess what the gist of it is about??
Aliens telling us we're overpopulated, destroying natural resources, violent, lacking- we're supposed to have 12 senses instead of 5 or 6. Basically demeaning us and watching over us like we're farm animals or the Kardashians reality TV. They Aliens want us to be One World Order, eat bugs, and decrease our population, and not believe in Jesus Christ! Sounds familiar?
And then it gets worse. When it comes to the Greys, apparently they survive on water and blood. Blood! (I was like wtf when I heard that) They explained the cattle mutilations for these aliens to feed. And they explained in ancient times, such as the Aztecs, would do human sacrifices to these aliens they called gods, for them to feed on.
Bloody hell! Literally, these effing things are demonic and IF they're from some other place, well they better get right with Jesus ASAP!! They seemed to operate like a bunch of Klaus Schwab and Greta Thunbergs.. beings who worship science and deemed themselves God with all the logic in the world, yet they can't comprehend why Earth survives and their planets didn't.. maybe they were in Hell and thought they're from other planets for all we know. Sorry I'm all fired up after reading that garbage Alien book.
One more thing, they're telepathic. If they can read our thoughts then it's basically universal mind control, isn't it? Only God can read our thoughts. Satan can only whisper suggestions. Also, supernatural beings and everything under the sun, the fabric of our universe is thinning perhaps, and CERN just keeps blasting away making holes..but everything under the Sun belongs to God ultimately. So just focus on God, leave the rest for entertainment. Maybe after we die Jesus will explain it all to us.
Thanks for an idea of some reading material.
You're welcome. If you do ended up reading or listening to that book, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Satan's only plan is to destroy Christianity and the offspring of Abraham any way he can. If he can do that, he retains his kingdom on earth. It is not going to happen according to the Bible.
For every case I hear like this. I hear about others where it doesn’t do anything. So I’m not entirely sold on the “Aliens are Demons” thing.
Maybe it’s a mix and some are fake and others real. Starting a War or setting Humanity on a certain path. Such as by conditioning us to respond violently to other life that doesn’t look like us. Or what we are familiar with.
Would seem like something the Devil would do.
I agree. While I have had demonic attacks through my dreamscapes, I’ve only encountered “alien” type entities once or twice, both times them offering/wanting me to leave. I command all entities in my dreams to leave in Jesus name and I’ve been protected each time. I walk humbly with my Lord daily, I wonder if there’s a connection through the Spirit that prevents certain actions from their side.
Appearing to help humanity by stopping nuclear war or weapons gives these entities the appearance of being a savior. I say “appearing to help” because the DS is playing their part. This appearance of being a savior is what will lead to the deception of many, THE LIE, that if it were possible to deceive the elect. The deep state got its deceptive means and ideas from somewhere. There is nothing new under the sun, they have always been here and no they didn’t travel through space in a starship from another planet.
Satan loves to lie.. he probably gave humans the recipe to build nuclear weapon and then play a savior like oh we're so concerned for your planet, you guys are so violent like animals.. ooh.. we will watch over you.. tell them go F themselves and get right with Jesus immediately!
Who tells you aliens are the bad guys? Hollywood? The govt.? The TV? The Pope? The CIA? The military?
Maybe someone has tainted your imagination about what aliens may be, because those someone's like the current status quo of planet earth?
Based on faith and my research into the matter.
Yes, I believe the Bible is true as it has never shown anything that is inaccurate. It is by far the most accurate historical document on the planet. You cannot deny this fact.
I also do believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, God in the flesh who came to save by delivering salvation from sin.
As said in the Bible, Satan is the Prince of the air, the prince of this world. This is written.
Based on the behavior of the "grays", I would say that kidnapping people and doing surgeries without consent is evil. Hence, my belief that they are evil.
So demons are disembodied spirits. That can inhabit humans and animals as per The Bible. Physical entities would have to be fallen angels who can take on physical bodies. Another option is Nephilim. Who are the by-product of Angelic and Human. The Bible never mentions Aliens as in beings from another planet.
Also all of creation fell yet the Savior was born, lived and volunteered to die here. The rest of the universe must not have a redeemer.
Yes, you're probably right. Nephilim or fallen ones. There are also theories that bigfoot and dogmen (werewolves) are also nephilim.
The fallen ones did some nasty stuff with genetics. I believe this.
The Bible also doesn't deny there may be other alien life forms from elsewhere in the galaxy. The Bible is moot on the point. So God could create beings elsewhere, if so it is His business and He chose not to inform us one way or the other.
Ufo over Washington DC in 53 was, allegedly, the Germans that escaped to Antarctica. After operation high jump and admiral Byrd doing his polar recon, and the political rhetoric of the early 50s post war, that DC stunt over the capital was a "display" for certain decisions to be made. Basically the bringing together factions that make up the military industrial complex. Third Reich didn't lose ww2, it evolved and they went stealth in my book. Operation Paperclip was an infiltration and part of all of this.
As for demons and angels, sure. Folks just describing what they fear and don't understand. Angels... good aliens? Demons , bad aliens? Or ugly aliens that maybe good. Mantis reports? I think we all need to consider the actions of such things and their intent. I always say talk is cheap, show me. And these things will need to demonstrate their nature. Life is everywhere. And everything.
Here's the thing. Would it really be in Satan's best interest to stop a nuclear war? He would get plenty of new souls during such an event.
He would lose his kingdom, which is this world
I'm sure there would be survivors who will try to restart civilization.
Aliens are God's children too. So it wouldn't affect my beliefs. Sorta like talking about the Baghadvita with friends from the eastern persuasion. You do you (note: I'm not a strict Calvinist, but close).
I don't pretend to know what the deal is, but from abductions and all the other stuff, I can only trust Jesus.
The only thing we can trust is Jesus. Once we enter into the Kingdom, all will be revealed. I'm really excited to be with Jesus and have these questions answered.
Very well said. Nice.
Only believers are referred to as God’s children…all others are of a different father.