At a minimum, these companies should not be able to advertise.
The problem will, of course, be "Muh First Amendment". And, sadly, I actually agree with that, to a large extent. The problem is not, really, that these cunts advertise. The problems are:
Their ads influence the freedom of the press, as you correctly point out, and
The people who consume these ads do not have the problem solving skills to discern, parse, conclude what is true, etc.
My default position with stuff like this is always "Caveat Emptor". But in this case, we need a long hard look at all of this, because the current reality is queering up our Republic somethin' fierce.
At a minimum, these companies should not be able to advertise.
The problem will, of course, be "Muh First Amendment". And, sadly, I actually agree with that, to a large extent. The problem is not, really, that these cunts advertise. The problems are:
Their ads influence the freedom of the press, as you correctly point out, and
The people who consume these ads do not have the problem solving skills to discern, parse, conclude what is true, etc.
My default position with stuff like this is always "Caveat Emptor". But in this case, we need a long hard look at all of this, because the current reality is queering up our Republic somethin' fierce.