Before I forget frens I want to wish each and everyone of you a Very Merry Christmas. We never know what tomorrow may bring and many of us have lost Friends and Love Ones over this long fight. Some did not agree with us and Some did not make it through with us. I am very Grateful for all of you through this FIGHT OF OUR LIVES. Let us never forget those who did not make it because it tolls hard on the Heart and We Must NEVER let this happen again. As an Old Veteran I still would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I would not last long at my age and Health today but I can promise I would take some with me We are the Lucky ones and Obviously the chosen ones for this and Let History not be forgotten Because this was OUR TIME to fight. I Love You All and will see you again in a couple of days. So Merry Christmas to you all and make sure you Hug those you love because THEY NEED IT AND SO DO YOU.
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Hear hear!!! Merry Christmas and God bless our country and countrymen