Jacobins’ emphasis on centralization, state control, and forced labor = proto-communist ideology. The Reign of Terror, The Law of Suspects, The Vendée Uprising, and in revulsion (think: dialectic!) to the Catholic church they nationalized church property, established a new secular calendar, and pursued policies that led to the persecution of clergy and religious practitioners, executed or exiled many of their former allies and opponents, including the Girondins, who were seen as too moderate; it turned into total chaos, to which meanwhile:
the Monarchists maintained a strong allegiance to the Pope and the Catholic Church’s hierarchical structure. They believed in the authority of the Pope and the need for the Church to be governed from Rome, and, consequentially, these monarchs, would no doubt be subservient to the Pope...and not their people
Classic Hegelian dialectic if you ask me. The crazy Commies are easy to spot; but the 'rational religious', more difficult to detect due to their appeal to common decency and order, would usher your nation right into the hands of their 'Holy Father' in Rome, or your Muslim equivalent if we want to divulge into a different example.
*I disagree with this author's eschatology and some other things which he believes, but his research on the Jesuits is full of rare gems and for that I pay attention.
Create (directly or indirectly!) the CHAOS to which the people will demand the SOLUTION of more TYRANNY. What is Nick Fuentes and his Groypers constant refrain? "Due to the insane levels of immorality, we need a theocratic-dictatorship!"
We cannot let MAGA ever go this direction!
That Hegeset or whatever Dues Vult tattoo guy Trump appointed...he better stick to the scope of his domestic job, I tell ya
Same goes for every one else. I don't much like the fact that the SCOTUS is majority Catholic. What the actual happened to this our Protestant nation? The whore of Babylon has been busier than Kamala Harris!
And don't give me that Ark and the Dove nonsense Dues! We all know Catholics were barred from holding government jobs and from voting precisely because of their 'dual loyalty' to Rome over America.
As an Irish Catholic, I am struggling to see you concerns. The majority of us have a secular attitude when it comes to our politics, while still being devoted to Christ and his message.
I wonder if you realise how many Catholics are currently disgusted with the jesuit pope and his unholy antics.
Personally, I am hoping for a revolution with the church to steer it back to Christ. In the meantime, I along with many other Catholics will do without a middleman.
It's ok, I need to flesh them out more thoroughly. I am praying for all Catholics, even that awful man who calls himself Francis. I'm also very glad you're able to see that you don't need a middleman. Many Catholics would ridicule and scorn me if I sugguested that to them.
I will post a separate response regarding French Revolution, but in this comment I just want to address the idea of Christian Nationalism being part of the Hegelian Dialectic (and Hegelian Dialectic in general).
History of catholic church is indeed the history of various secret occults trying to take control of the Church and its enormous body of influence on the people.
The fact that Church has been involved in the power play with the secret occults, however, does not necessarily mean its part of a Hegelian dialectic. It just means they are part of the power struggle over people. The distinction is subtle but important.
Hegelian dialectic is the unique mode of a "problem created" and a "fake solution offered" where the fake solution is actually the desired end result.
Like 911 and Patriot Act. Patriot Act was the end result and it gave full surveillance control over people.
What exactly would be the end result of the Church as part of a Hegelian Dialectic ?
Just like Patriot Act, it will be about total control of our life. They have shown their desired outcome, most famously in the show/book "Hand Maiden's Tale". A completely authoritative State controlled by the Church which dictates every aspect of people's lives, in the name of religion.
The closest they ever got to making this a reality was the whole LDS conspiracy, that Bill Cooper exposed (and Mitt Romney amongst other people were key people in this).
But this is simple the authoritarian Christianity we are talking about. "Christian Nationalism" by itself is such a fuzzy term, specifically used to smear any kinds of nationalism based on morality.
If you are talking about the weaponisation of Church - thats a totally valid concern. "Christian Nationalism" as part of the Hegelian Dialectic, esp in French Revolution - sorry, it makes absolutely no sense.
By Christian Nationalism I'm talking the legal codification of Church dogma, such as 'Sunday Laws'. Sharia Law would be another example. When this happens, abuse is sure to follow, and what happens when the "authorized church" adopts beliefs which differ from your own? You get labeled a heretic and suffer the consequences!
By Hegelian Dialectic in this case I'm talking about the purposeful spreading of Communism, Athiesm, moral decay of all sorts, lawlessness (such as the illegal immigration issue) etc. What this then does, and I've seen it first-hand all over Gab, Twitter, 4chan and kun, is cause foolish people to request for a theocratic-dictatorship in order to restore moral order. Nick Fuentes is the best example I can put with a face and a name. He literally wants us to be under a king, who is subject to the pope of Rome. This was in fact the way the world operated for centuries before the Reformation begun its downfall.
I recently came upon some claims that the Jesuits instigated the French Revolution in order to swing the 'enlightenment' back towards Rome, which was losing more and more power during that time, thanks in large part to some ~300 years of the men of the Reformation spreading the truth and exposing Rome. Remember, the Jesuits were created precisely to destroy the Reformation, and are the military and intel agency arm of the Vatican. Their tactics are the forerunner tactics of what we see today; false flags, spies and double / triple agents, assassinations made to look like accidents, political intrigue of all sorts, having agents in plain sight like doctors or lawyers with secret, higher loyalties to Rome than to their country and profession, etc. Let's say an enemy of Rome goes in for surgery, and the doc is a Jesuit. All they'd have to do is get word to him from the top levels of the Society of Jesus and bam, the doc "made a mistake" and nicked a main artery and the enemy of Rome died! Stuff like that I imagine.
Anyways, the claim about the revolution might be total speculation, I don't know. But the meme still hits for us today. One could replace "Christian Nationalism" with a more blanket "Totalitarianism" I suppose. I used the Good Cop Bad Cop theme because both of them are working for the same force. One is obviously ridiculous and insufferable from the outset, while the other sounds really good and reasonable. Both lead to the same result though, which is your ass in jail!
I can think of one more situation off-hand where this was used, and that would be the Wiemar Republic. The Nazis gained support in a major way thanks to an over-correction bounced off of that cesspool.
You are absolutely right, that Christianity can be weaponised by pushing for "fundamentalism". But it is also absolutely important to remember that real Christianity, as in what Jesus taught us, is essential for defeating the Satanists.
There is a reason why Q Plan is "Biblical" and it does not refer just to the scale of this operation, but the continuity of the same battle between good and evil.
It is not a coincidence that the reason Jesus got crucifixed was because he exposed the Banksters of his time in the temple.
Without drawing this fine line between the benign teachings of Jesus and the weaponised, extreme versions in either direction is how we lose.
The enemy does not want us to succeed in finding this fine balance, and hence its up to us to make sure we never lose sight of this.
I argue that true Christianity, if such a label can even be ascribed, would NEVER be able to be weaponized by satan. This is precisely why I believe the Catholic church is NOT Christian at all, but rather a parallel, pseudo-christian, CINO (christian in name only) front for satan. Mystery Babylon's culmination. All the pagan religions merged into one, from the Tower of Babel up into the present day.
The true Christians splintered off from the Catholic church long ago, in various eras, and were largely tortured and killed for doing so. The institutions which have arisen in their names are mere daughters of the harlot Catholic church. No such institutions were sanctioned by any of the Apostles. The true church of Christ Jesus our Lord is the invisible, total group of all who believe in Him on the earth. There is no institution which encompasses them.
This is precisely why I believe the Catholic church is NOT Christian at all, but rather a parallel, pseudo-christian, CINO (christian in name only) front for satan
At the risk of upsetting a lot of people here, I tend to agree with this, but also want to point out that most Catholic people are good at heart, its the church thats subverted. But many end up being subverted themselves because they end up blindly following their preachers rather than try to find a personal connection with Jesus.
Some people say that the Orthodox church is the closest to the true Christian church, and was not a offshoot of Catholic but rather direct offshoot from the apostles, in parallel to the Catholic church.
Personally, though, if you are a curious mind with critical thinking, you dont need a church or anyone to preach you Christianity. The gospels are very self evidence, and Jesus taught nothing but compassion, kindness, humility and love for all. He also taught us that the judgement of sins are between a person and the God, and not anyone else's business.
If you accept these tenets as fundamental to your way of your life, its almost impossible to be weaponised. The key is to follow the morality yourself, but not judge others.
That Hegeset or whatever Dues Vult tattoo guy Trump appointed...he better stick to the scope of his domestic job, I tell ya
Anons who have been paying attention will know that of all the things we need to worry about, bringing an authoritatian Christianity to control the masses, under Trump, is the least of possibilities.
Why? For the simple reason that Trump has managed to achieve something no one has ever achieved before. Holding middle of the road position when it comes to some of the core Christian issues most importantly abortion.
If Trump was pushing for a total abortion ban (and this would have earned him huge points from many of his base) I would have been very worried. The fact that he takes so much heat for this position, and still managed to make it viable tells me that under Trump, many things are possible but authoritarian Christianity is not one of them. Same with stuff like gay marriage.
Praying so fren. I don't like being the one to throw shade especially this late into the game. But as I learn more of the absolutely diabolical, cunning and pervasive long-term plotting of 'the beast' (or whatever term we'd like to use for it) I can't help it. I'd feel like I was neglecting a duty to not speak these concerns.
The sheer amount of 'Christian Nationalists' around Trump is concerning to me, but I'm holding out hope that he's doing his Trump thing, like always, and 'giving them a shot' to see who's loyal to America and who isn't.
Godbless and I hope you're having a good time with family and our Lord Jesus Christ! ❤️
Oh and I forgot to add. Jesuits are one of the most heinous, evil groups of people, but they are still just one of the because they are just another arm of the same Satanists.
Maybe, however my premise is based on the belief that the Roman Catholic church is the exact being which Revelation 17:5 is highlighting, and thus, is the APEX of satan's power on earth. The ideal structure through which satan can operate on earth is a system with 1 single man at the top of the power pyramid, the pope. All other secret societies funnel into it. This is why I'm so opposed to it. The Jesuits are the equivalent to the CIA of the papacy. It's just another arm, though quite a potent one.
For a good understanding of French Revolution, I would point you to the book Pawns in the Game by William Guy Carr who was a naval officer and who researched into the connection of the central bankers and all the revolutions in recent history.
Ever since the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694, the Satanic agenda of world domination has gone according to the plan exposed in this book, even unto today where we are reaching the end stages.
World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East isn’t designed to accomplish this devilish purpose ?
On August 15, 1871, Pike told Mazzini that after World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. We quote his own written words (taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, Eng.) :
7th July 1778, France enters the American war to aid America. It orders the total mobilization of the French army and navy at war against Britain.
Nov 1787, The ‘Edict of Versailles’ was signed by Louis XVI on 7th November in which non-catholics and Jews granted access to civil and political rights previously denied to them.
France was throwing a wrench into the Satanic agenda for a very long time. Britain was easily cucked and completely under the control of the Banksters, but France was a major thorn on the side of the Banksters and hence they had to eradicate the monarchy first and foremost, and thats why they fomented the French Revolution.
The rest of the monarchies opposed to the Satanists were targeted in WW1 and WW2, and for all their faults these Christian monarchies (and one muslim monarchy) were what stopped the Satanists from total global domination. Even with the constant power struggle with the Catholic Church, they weren't able to subvert it to the level necessary. to get all these monarchies in line.
Huh? There was no communism in French Revolution and where does Christian Nationalism fit into this?
Jacobins’ emphasis on centralization, state control, and forced labor = proto-communist ideology. The Reign of Terror, The Law of Suspects, The Vendée Uprising, and in revulsion (think: dialectic!) to the Catholic church they nationalized church property, established a new secular calendar, and pursued policies that led to the persecution of clergy and religious practitioners, executed or exiled many of their former allies and opponents, including the Girondins, who were seen as too moderate; it turned into total chaos, to which meanwhile:
the Monarchists maintained a strong allegiance to the Pope and the Catholic Church’s hierarchical structure. They believed in the authority of the Pope and the need for the Church to be governed from Rome, and, consequentially, these monarchs, would no doubt be subservient to the Pope...and not their people
Classic Hegelian dialectic if you ask me. The crazy Commies are easy to spot; but the 'rational religious', more difficult to detect due to their appeal to common decency and order, would usher your nation right into the hands of their 'Holy Father' in Rome, or your Muslim equivalent if we want to divulge into a different example.
I'll toss these out and let viewers decide:
Wait, I thought Popes weren't involved in politics?! Kek
https://vaticanassassins.org/2011/04/11/ejp-replies-to-andreas-on-jesuit-connection-to-illuminati-and-french-revolution/ *
*I disagree with this author's eschatology and some other things which he believes, but his research on the Jesuits is full of rare gems and for that I pay attention.
In addition to these I recommend Charles Chiniquy's "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome" https://libsysdigi.library.uiuc.edu/OCA/Books2009-06/fiftyyearsinchur00chini/fiftyyearsinchur00chini.pdf
Problem Reaction Solution
Create (directly or indirectly!) the CHAOS to which the people will demand the SOLUTION of more TYRANNY. What is Nick Fuentes and his Groypers constant refrain? "Due to the insane levels of immorality, we need a theocratic-dictatorship!"
We cannot let MAGA ever go this direction!
That Hegeset or whatever Dues Vult tattoo guy Trump appointed...he better stick to the scope of his domestic job, I tell ya
Same goes for every one else. I don't much like the fact that the SCOTUS is majority Catholic. What the actual happened to this our Protestant nation? The whore of Babylon has been busier than Kamala Harris!
And don't give me that Ark and the Dove nonsense Dues! We all know Catholics were barred from holding government jobs and from voting precisely because of their 'dual loyalty' to Rome over America.
Spies and lies, everywhere.
As an Irish Catholic, I am struggling to see you concerns. The majority of us have a secular attitude when it comes to our politics, while still being devoted to Christ and his message.
I wonder if you realise how many Catholics are currently disgusted with the jesuit pope and his unholy antics.
Personally, I am hoping for a revolution with the church to steer it back to Christ. In the meantime, I along with many other Catholics will do without a middleman.
It's ok, I need to flesh them out more thoroughly. I am praying for all Catholics, even that awful man who calls himself Francis. I'm also very glad you're able to see that you don't need a middleman. Many Catholics would ridicule and scorn me if I sugguested that to them.
I agree, there’s a lot of work to be done.
I think that most churches have degraded into money grabbing institutions of control, with little to do with spreading the Lord’s message.
The Othodox Church for that reason, looks appealing to me. It seems to be relatively pure, but I don’t have any experience with it and could be wrong.
I will post a separate response regarding French Revolution, but in this comment I just want to address the idea of Christian Nationalism being part of the Hegelian Dialectic (and Hegelian Dialectic in general).
History of catholic church is indeed the history of various secret occults trying to take control of the Church and its enormous body of influence on the people.
The fact that Church has been involved in the power play with the secret occults, however, does not necessarily mean its part of a Hegelian dialectic. It just means they are part of the power struggle over people. The distinction is subtle but important.
Hegelian dialectic is the unique mode of a "problem created" and a "fake solution offered" where the fake solution is actually the desired end result.
Like 911 and Patriot Act. Patriot Act was the end result and it gave full surveillance control over people.
What exactly would be the end result of the Church as part of a Hegelian Dialectic ?
Just like Patriot Act, it will be about total control of our life. They have shown their desired outcome, most famously in the show/book "Hand Maiden's Tale". A completely authoritative State controlled by the Church which dictates every aspect of people's lives, in the name of religion.
The closest they ever got to making this a reality was the whole LDS conspiracy, that Bill Cooper exposed (and Mitt Romney amongst other people were key people in this).
But this is simple the authoritarian Christianity we are talking about. "Christian Nationalism" by itself is such a fuzzy term, specifically used to smear any kinds of nationalism based on morality.
If you are talking about the weaponisation of Church - thats a totally valid concern. "Christian Nationalism" as part of the Hegelian Dialectic, esp in French Revolution - sorry, it makes absolutely no sense.
By Christian Nationalism I'm talking the legal codification of Church dogma, such as 'Sunday Laws'. Sharia Law would be another example. When this happens, abuse is sure to follow, and what happens when the "authorized church" adopts beliefs which differ from your own? You get labeled a heretic and suffer the consequences!
By Hegelian Dialectic in this case I'm talking about the purposeful spreading of Communism, Athiesm, moral decay of all sorts, lawlessness (such as the illegal immigration issue) etc. What this then does, and I've seen it first-hand all over Gab, Twitter, 4chan and kun, is cause foolish people to request for a theocratic-dictatorship in order to restore moral order. Nick Fuentes is the best example I can put with a face and a name. He literally wants us to be under a king, who is subject to the pope of Rome. This was in fact the way the world operated for centuries before the Reformation begun its downfall.
I recently came upon some claims that the Jesuits instigated the French Revolution in order to swing the 'enlightenment' back towards Rome, which was losing more and more power during that time, thanks in large part to some ~300 years of the men of the Reformation spreading the truth and exposing Rome. Remember, the Jesuits were created precisely to destroy the Reformation, and are the military and intel agency arm of the Vatican. Their tactics are the forerunner tactics of what we see today; false flags, spies and double / triple agents, assassinations made to look like accidents, political intrigue of all sorts, having agents in plain sight like doctors or lawyers with secret, higher loyalties to Rome than to their country and profession, etc. Let's say an enemy of Rome goes in for surgery, and the doc is a Jesuit. All they'd have to do is get word to him from the top levels of the Society of Jesus and bam, the doc "made a mistake" and nicked a main artery and the enemy of Rome died! Stuff like that I imagine.
Anyways, the claim about the revolution might be total speculation, I don't know. But the meme still hits for us today. One could replace "Christian Nationalism" with a more blanket "Totalitarianism" I suppose. I used the Good Cop Bad Cop theme because both of them are working for the same force. One is obviously ridiculous and insufferable from the outset, while the other sounds really good and reasonable. Both lead to the same result though, which is your ass in jail!
I can think of one more situation off-hand where this was used, and that would be the Wiemar Republic. The Nazis gained support in a major way thanks to an over-correction bounced off of that cesspool.
You are absolutely right, that Christianity can be weaponised by pushing for "fundamentalism". But it is also absolutely important to remember that real Christianity, as in what Jesus taught us, is essential for defeating the Satanists.
There is a reason why Q Plan is "Biblical" and it does not refer just to the scale of this operation, but the continuity of the same battle between good and evil.
It is not a coincidence that the reason Jesus got crucifixed was because he exposed the Banksters of his time in the temple.
Without drawing this fine line between the benign teachings of Jesus and the weaponised, extreme versions in either direction is how we lose.
The enemy does not want us to succeed in finding this fine balance, and hence its up to us to make sure we never lose sight of this.
I argue that true Christianity, if such a label can even be ascribed, would NEVER be able to be weaponized by satan. This is precisely why I believe the Catholic church is NOT Christian at all, but rather a parallel, pseudo-christian, CINO (christian in name only) front for satan. Mystery Babylon's culmination. All the pagan religions merged into one, from the Tower of Babel up into the present day.
The true Christians splintered off from the Catholic church long ago, in various eras, and were largely tortured and killed for doing so. The institutions which have arisen in their names are mere daughters of the harlot Catholic church. No such institutions were sanctioned by any of the Apostles. The true church of Christ Jesus our Lord is the invisible, total group of all who believe in Him on the earth. There is no institution which encompasses them.
At the risk of upsetting a lot of people here, I tend to agree with this, but also want to point out that most Catholic people are good at heart, its the church thats subverted. But many end up being subverted themselves because they end up blindly following their preachers rather than try to find a personal connection with Jesus.
Some people say that the Orthodox church is the closest to the true Christian church, and was not a offshoot of Catholic but rather direct offshoot from the apostles, in parallel to the Catholic church.
Personally, though, if you are a curious mind with critical thinking, you dont need a church or anyone to preach you Christianity. The gospels are very self evidence, and Jesus taught nothing but compassion, kindness, humility and love for all. He also taught us that the judgement of sins are between a person and the God, and not anyone else's business.
If you accept these tenets as fundamental to your way of your life, its almost impossible to be weaponised. The key is to follow the morality yourself, but not judge others.
Anons who have been paying attention will know that of all the things we need to worry about, bringing an authoritatian Christianity to control the masses, under Trump, is the least of possibilities.
Why? For the simple reason that Trump has managed to achieve something no one has ever achieved before. Holding middle of the road position when it comes to some of the core Christian issues most importantly abortion.
If Trump was pushing for a total abortion ban (and this would have earned him huge points from many of his base) I would have been very worried. The fact that he takes so much heat for this position, and still managed to make it viable tells me that under Trump, many things are possible but authoritarian Christianity is not one of them. Same with stuff like gay marriage.
Praying so fren. I don't like being the one to throw shade especially this late into the game. But as I learn more of the absolutely diabolical, cunning and pervasive long-term plotting of 'the beast' (or whatever term we'd like to use for it) I can't help it. I'd feel like I was neglecting a duty to not speak these concerns.
The sheer amount of 'Christian Nationalists' around Trump is concerning to me, but I'm holding out hope that he's doing his Trump thing, like always, and 'giving them a shot' to see who's loyal to America and who isn't.
Godbless and I hope you're having a good time with family and our Lord Jesus Christ! ❤️
Oh and I forgot to add. Jesuits are one of the most heinous, evil groups of people, but they are still just one of the because they are just another arm of the same Satanists.
Maybe, however my premise is based on the belief that the Roman Catholic church is the exact being which Revelation 17:5 is highlighting, and thus, is the APEX of satan's power on earth. The ideal structure through which satan can operate on earth is a system with 1 single man at the top of the power pyramid, the pope. All other secret societies funnel into it. This is why I'm so opposed to it. The Jesuits are the equivalent to the CIA of the papacy. It's just another arm, though quite a potent one.
For a good understanding of French Revolution, I would point you to the book Pawns in the Game by William Guy Carr who was a naval officer and who researched into the connection of the central bankers and all the revolutions in recent history.
Ever since the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694, the Satanic agenda of world domination has gone according to the plan exposed in this book, even unto today where we are reaching the end stages.
If you look at the timeline of the French Revolution there were two notable events preceding the French Revolution:
France was throwing a wrench into the Satanic agenda for a very long time. Britain was easily cucked and completely under the control of the Banksters, but France was a major thorn on the side of the Banksters and hence they had to eradicate the monarchy first and foremost, and thats why they fomented the French Revolution.
The rest of the monarchies opposed to the Satanists were targeted in WW1 and WW2, and for all their faults these Christian monarchies (and one muslim monarchy) were what stopped the Satanists from total global domination. Even with the constant power struggle with the Catholic Church, they weren't able to subvert it to the level necessary. to get all these monarchies in line.