Interesting that you took what I said personally...
Having grown up attending Catholic grammar and high schools, being an altar boy and riding my bike to church every Sunday as a kid - never missing, taught me one thing -
All religion is bullshit. Like one big circle jerk, keeping you on the hook, hoping that if you followed what Monseigneur Farntleroy said and sang your little heart out at the songs, that ONE DAY, you'll finally get what it's all about.
But, it most certainly did not & only after leaving the flock was I able to finally understand what the Christ was trying to teach us. Because people sure as hell aren't loving their neighbor when they're cutting each other off in the church parking lot after mass, so they can hurry up to be first in line for their swine laden breakfast slop - of which, the Christ would never eat, by the way..."Oh Jesus changed all that we can eat swine now" No he didn't.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within YOU. It's not in some stone building. It can ONLY be achieved by personal solitude and meditation. No church will teach you this - just the opposite - going within yourself seeking communion with God would put them out of business and they'd lose all control over their little flock. It's such bullshit - out of one side of their mouth they tell you that the ONLY way to heaven and God is through Christ (Christ consciousness) - but then tell you that going within yourself, in silence "Take no thought" - is going to open you up to demons.
It's total bullshit. All of it. Polluting, corrupting and withholding the REAL path to the Christ and God. Very few will EVER allow themselves to follow the Christ's instruction of loving thy neighbor as themselves, through silent sanctuary of their minds and hearts - feeling true compassion and love for everyone - even if for only a few seconds... because instead of eyes to see and ears to hear, you'd rather believe that what is written is literal and not allegory pointing to the path. "Yeah see, there was this talking snake after they made Eve aka the McRib..." Yeah okay.
So feel free to be offended with the "muh religion" bullshit, because as far as I'm concerned, it's RELIGION that's responsible for a lot of the Hell that this world is experiencing right now. And to be crystal clear, religion has NOTHING to do with Christ - even though they'll be the first ones to tell you they're SOMEHOW in charge of YOUR connection to God. They advertise it... but will NEVER deliver.
I dont take it personally. I take it as a continuing attempt to divide the people. I know you as a Patriot and I dont think you are purposefully driven to divide. But I do think that all the Jew and Catholic haters unconsciously further the death cults plans in order to find someone to blame.
But we dont need to go that far to find that. Put the blame squarely on the satanic pedophile death cult that has been around since Nimrod and even earlier. These people use religion to subvert in the same way they use communism or socialism and even democracy. They arent Catholics or Jews or communists or socialists, they are satanists.
Well maybe I did take it a little personally and maybe its a bit due to my own self-conscious reflection on the place that Catholicism finds itself. If it werent for the Archbishop I would probably be in a much worse place spiritually. But in Vigano I find redemption.
And Protestants have always kind of pissed me off with their sanctimonius bullshit. The difference being I dont wish the same fate on them as many of them wish on me. I have close family on the wrong side of the Troubles in Ireland.
Christ is King. Religion and dogma are bullshit.
This I can almost 100% get behind. There are comforting things that are hard to leave with my weekly Mass. But I do not donate to the weekly offerings any longer. My Pastor is based. He rails against the covid tyranny and the leftists. Therefore I make a yearly donation specific to servicing my Parishes debt and that debt only.
Interesting that you took what I said personally...
Having grown up attending Catholic grammar and high schools, being an altar boy and riding my bike to church every Sunday as a kid - never missing, taught me one thing -
All religion is bullshit. Like one big circle jerk, keeping you on the hook, hoping that if you followed what Monseigneur Farntleroy said and sang your little heart out at the songs, that ONE DAY, you'll finally get what it's all about.
But, it most certainly did not & only after leaving the flock was I able to finally understand what the Christ was trying to teach us. Because people sure as hell aren't loving their neighbor when they're cutting each other off in the church parking lot after mass, so they can hurry up to be first in line for their swine laden breakfast slop - of which, the Christ would never eat, by the way..."Oh Jesus changed all that we can eat swine now" No he didn't.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within YOU. It's not in some stone building. It can ONLY be achieved by personal solitude and meditation. No church will teach you this - just the opposite - going within yourself seeking communion with God would put them out of business and they'd lose all control over their little flock. It's such bullshit - out of one side of their mouth they tell you that the ONLY way to heaven and God is through Christ (Christ consciousness) - but then tell you that going within yourself, in silence "Take no thought" - is going to open you up to demons.
It's total bullshit. All of it. Polluting, corrupting and withholding the REAL path to the Christ and God. Very few will EVER allow themselves to follow the Christ's instruction of loving thy neighbor as themselves, through silent sanctuary of their minds and hearts - feeling true compassion and love for everyone - even if for only a few seconds... because instead of eyes to see and ears to hear, you'd rather believe that what is written is literal and not allegory pointing to the path. "Yeah see, there was this talking snake after they made Eve aka the McRib..." Yeah okay.
So feel free to be offended with the "muh religion" bullshit, because as far as I'm concerned, it's RELIGION that's responsible for a lot of the Hell that this world is experiencing right now. And to be crystal clear, religion has NOTHING to do with Christ - even though they'll be the first ones to tell you they're SOMEHOW in charge of YOUR connection to God. They advertise it... but will NEVER deliver.
Christ is King. Religion and dogma are bullshit.
I dont take it personally. I take it as a continuing attempt to divide the people. I know you as a Patriot and I dont think you are purposefully driven to divide. But I do think that all the Jew and Catholic haters unconsciously further the death cults plans in order to find someone to blame.
But we dont need to go that far to find that. Put the blame squarely on the satanic pedophile death cult that has been around since Nimrod and even earlier. These people use religion to subvert in the same way they use communism or socialism and even democracy. They arent Catholics or Jews or communists or socialists, they are satanists.
Well maybe I did take it a little personally and maybe its a bit due to my own self-conscious reflection on the place that Catholicism finds itself. If it werent for the Archbishop I would probably be in a much worse place spiritually. But in Vigano I find redemption.
And Protestants have always kind of pissed me off with their sanctimonius bullshit. The difference being I dont wish the same fate on them as many of them wish on me. I have close family on the wrong side of the Troubles in Ireland.
This I can almost 100% get behind. There are comforting things that are hard to leave with my weekly Mass. But I do not donate to the weekly offerings any longer. My Pastor is based. He rails against the covid tyranny and the leftists. Therefore I make a yearly donation specific to servicing my Parishes debt and that debt only.
Peace be with you brother.