President Trump calling Castro's perverted bastard the Governor of Canada, continuing to talk about Greenland and Panama Canal - he's writing some hefty checks. At this point, most incoming leaders would be backtracking on bravado and talking about how "a lot of things are said in a campaign." Instead, President Trump's raising the ante.
My guess is, when he said "We caught them all" he meant it. For him to cash these checks he's writing, some major disruptions have to take place - lots of shock and awe, disclosures, almost wars or something. Something so huge has to happen, that President Trump and the US get to dictate geopolitical alignment.
We could topple any country easily in the Western hemisphere. Even in our current diminished state of readiness. PJT isn't writing empty checks. In 2 years we will control the Panama Canal and control Greenland. The schtick w Canada is to get Canadian Patriots to rise up.
You really think you can just go out there and topple western sovereign countries without consequences? You would forever be perceived as a bully, and someone not to be trusted.
So the current situation then under Biden?
Yeah, don't stoop to his level.