Did you all know this tidbit? I was just watching this short video that lays this out as well as other interesting info. Sorry for Screwtube link.
Comments (32)
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This movie is crazy.
Interesting that Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy went on Larry King and was very vocally against vaccines
Jim Carey? I didn't know that either
So many questions, so few answers, life.
Just keep in mind God is in control of everything. We have already won.
Sooo crazy!
The Truman Show is flat earth propaganda, and Jim Carrey is a kid eater (according to Kappy). Wouldn't be surprised if he was on a Diddy list somewhere, too.
Suicide? You are glowing.
Yeah. On Kappys last video on You tube he Cleary said that he was not suicidal. 15 min mark or so. https://youtu.be/uNavgkMCaFU?si=IR599C9UnbXo1tKk
The "firmament" being real or fake doesn't matter, it is an allegory.
Take a picture from beyond low earth orbit for me. No composites or cgi please.
There is no evidence that a flerf wouldn't hand wave away and cry "GCI!" Completely pointless endeavor.
The moon is 226,000 miles away. Put a camera on that. Lmao
The flerfs believe that the "firmament" is a dome, and that it's boundaries are the "ice wall" of Antarctica. They believe that beyond the ice wall is an infinite flat plane, and that "the gubbment" is trying to keep them from reaching the ice wall because they will discover that there is more to the world than just what we see. The Truman show is a perfect allegory of this idea, if you don't understand, it isn't my problem.
You are ignorant.
I'm not sure how The Truman Show is flat-earth propaganda, but the message in it for the minions might have been that it's all over once the illusion breaks, so do NOT let that happen.
And I'm undecided about Cap-P since you can't spell Isaac without the letters C, I, and A. I gotta wonder if his P is the same P as P-nut the squirrel...
You may be right. But that's also how plausible deniability works, so we can only guess. That's why I use words like "might have been".
Also you're not a youtube star, are you? So you're correct, those three letters in your name need not mean anything special, except perhaps to you.
You're a year off. This book from 1999 seems more appropriate.