AI would do a way better job than these offshore contractors.
However, some companies have policies where no AI can be used to create the code. One I know of is in the aerospace industry. I think FAA rules state no AI. But I am guessing it'll eventually change, then offshoring will become a thing of the past, as well as a lot of american citizen coding jobs.
The real play in my opinion is obviously the globalists need to eradicate the white population and replace them with a new brown slave class in large numbers but realistically there probably isn't enough non white talent you can import. An awful lot of the Chinese would cooperate only long enough to steal your secrets and money and go back to China with it and 90 IQ Pajeet with a fake degree and terrible toilet habits isn't going to cut it either but while AI might not and may never be able to entirely replace white people and your technically proficient caste you might be able to fuse a 90 IQ Pajeet with AI which tells him what buttons to press.
For the former, you are on your own, but for the latter, to the rescue!
AI would do a way better job than these offshore contractors.
However, some companies have policies where no AI can be used to create the code. One I know of is in the aerospace industry. I think FAA rules state no AI. But I am guessing it'll eventually change, then offshoring will become a thing of the past, as well as a lot of american citizen coding jobs.
The real play in my opinion is obviously the globalists need to eradicate the white population and replace them with a new brown slave class in large numbers but realistically there probably isn't enough non white talent you can import. An awful lot of the Chinese would cooperate only long enough to steal your secrets and money and go back to China with it and 90 IQ Pajeet with a fake degree and terrible toilet habits isn't going to cut it either but while AI might not and may never be able to entirely replace white people and your technically proficient caste you might be able to fuse a 90 IQ Pajeet with AI which tells him what buttons to press.