The real play in my opinion is obviously the globalists need to eradicate the white population and replace them with a new brown slave class in large numbers but realistically there probably isn't enough non white talent you can import. An awful lot of the Chinese would cooperate only long enough to steal your secrets and money and go back to China with it and 90 IQ Pajeet with a fake degree and terrible toilet habits isn't going to cut it either but while AI might not and may never be able to entirely replace white people and your technically proficient caste you might be able to fuse a 90 IQ Pajeet with AI which tells him what buttons to press.
The priest caste in India ironically are the ruling class because they are the most Aryan.
Yeah. They are a ruthless ethnic mafia. Their incompetence is why your average workplace that gets taken over by them becomes intolerable. Because they cannot even carry out the most basic tasks they claim to be proficient in or use a toilet they have to turn everything into a shit show in the hopes you don't notice that they can't do their jobs.
They have a big laugh at "gora people" who are so stupid they get taken in by these idiots.
I'm not even that upset about Hunter getting pardoned. He is a despicable character and a degenerate drug user but he seems to me to be someone who has suffered serious sexual abuse as a child and everything he has done has been in large part a service to this crime family. I'd much rather see "the big guy" in jail but he is senile at this point so its doubtful he would even know where he was.
Yeah. In Britain and many European countries this is not a thing. When I did computer science at a 3rd rate university I would have 4 classes a term just within the field of computer science. You're right - its a total scam.
Unpopular opinion here - there should be some way to discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy. Debtors prison was a concept abolished a long time ago in most Anglo-Saxon countries.
Usury used to be illegal in medieval europe for a reason.
The institutions that sold these debts to dumb kids need to be liquidated and long term reforms made to the system to prevent this from ever happening again. The number of higher education institutions needs to be reduced, the entry requirements significantly increased and the resources diverted to more vocational training and shorter courses which leave people with actual skills they can pay for in an affordable manner.
If you go in the Airforce or the Navy they can probably train you in any number of technical subjects in 1-2 years that would take you 3-6 years in the civilian world. This kind of training needs to be widely available to the civilian population.
When you have a declining population you need to increase the efficiency and capability of your labour pool, not fill their heads with marxist slop, indebt them for life and teach them nothing useful.
You know my guess is the FBI gets off relatively lightly from all this as well. A few corrupt officials will be labelled "bad apples" and will retire with lavish pensions and book deals and in 4 years time the FBI will go back to its old tricks.
I believe this was from 2020. He was in Downing street last week to hand Starmer his marching orders and yesterday it was revealed one of our largest dairy producers is experimenting with his new carcinogenic cattle feed.
Wasn't it partly because in the 1930's criminals would rob a bank in one state and cross to another where no crime had been committed.
Best tactic is take the vaccine schedule back to where it was in the 70's at first and see if the autism rates drop. Something caused autism to explode in the 90's. If its not vaccines then its glyphosate or Teflon or microplastics. There isn't that many things it could be.
Yeah - I grew up in a socialist country and I had a visceral hatred of Bush and the neocons because it was obvious to me these people were destroying the stability of the world. Ron Paul at the republican debates in 2007 was my first introduction to genuine right wing politics.
I was a libertarian for many years until eventually becoming a natsoc, I mean the fact is power exists and either we can be victims of it or we can use it to liquidate our enemies.
Mainstream media has walked the earth as the undead for a decade now due to changes in technology but so far it just refuses to actually die.
My uncle built a system for a large warehouse wholesaler in a minor European country in the 1980's and devoted the last 35 years of his career to maintaining it past retirement age. Over the years technology improved and the front end got more sophisticated but underneath it got more and more janky. They tried to move to a system based on SAP but the whiz kids they hired to set it up made a dogs dinner and in the end they were still using his system. In the end they found someone to hand it off to who shadowed him for 2 years to learn its ins and outs. It was supposed to be phased out in 2023 about 5 years after he retired but its still running and every once in a blue moon he goes in for an afternoon to troubleshoot something particularly vexxing. Last time he went in the guy who maintains it told him it will be at least a decade before its retired at the rate things are going there. My uncle is 76 and has survived cancer. Its likely this system will outlive him and if it suffers any serious errors it may simply not work all of a sudden.
Yeah - the problem is she is a glorified bar maid. There has been a lot of shit thrown at her in the media because she is a liability by Blair and Mandelson and their allies in the media but they can't get rid of her because she is to well ensconced. The rest of the bench is weak. Rachel Reeves is a non entity (the chancellor) and Lammy as foreign secretary is also a massive liability.
I believe the only person really with any kind of clue in the government is that Pat McFadden who is chancellor of the dutchy of Lancaster and minister without portfolio. He is also the kings man. They have some long standing relationship.
I expect within the next 2 years Gordon Brown will be back and in the lords and I wonder if Mandelson will also be back from the lords as well.
Yeah. Ed Milliband is in government at the moment in the same job he had 2008-2010 ruining the energy sector in the name of "climate change". The Milliband tad poles were the great creation of Blairism where they were the first of these non descript cookie cutter politicians who would carry out the neoliberal agenda without question. Neither of them terribly clever but David was probably the more intelligent one and most people thought he had some credibility. His brother won the leadership probably because the union votes which carry the same weight in the party as super delegates in the DNC thought he would be a softer target to get pay rises out of and would be easier to control.
Ed Milliband today is certainly not popular in the upper ranks of the Labour party. Apparently both Blair and Mandelson blame him for Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn.
The labour party may be in power but it is not in good shape internally, they have a dearth of talent and the party is split into factions between the neoliberal power brokers like Blair and the more left wing factions who want free stuff and hate the Zionist entity of Israel even though Zionists ultimately have a lot of influence in the actual establishment.
You know what is really strange is our Primeminister was in America a few weeks ago and he met with Donald Trump but not with kween Kamala. Something strange is going on. I'm honestly not sure what any element of the labour party hope to gain by this.
Back in our 2015 General Election that DNC strategist David Axelrod came and ran Ed Millibands campaign but he gave up after a while and went back to America.
I just saw "The Hunt for Red October" spoof in the side bar and nearly pissed myself. I'm not even that big into the Q stuff but I'm making this my phone wallpaper.
I was wondering why the damage in Florida did not seem to be quite as bad as some feared.
I do not believe that Chunk Yogurt would have come out and said something like this without authorisation from his handlers at the DNC. Either that or the cheques have stopped coming. Could indicate that the money power in the party is admitting they lost this round and positioning their assets for what comes in 2025 and how to get the goyim back on the plantation for a Newsom or Shapiro candidacy in 2028.
Its almost become comical the rate at which they murder the whistle blowers.
Its not Nancy's money - I think its probably some kind of slush fund maintained for the cabals nefarious purposes.
Kidnapping is huge business in Mexico. You wonder if they are trying to get it going north of the border now.
In many ways your 1776 was downstream of our 1688 which essentially established the English constitutional system and our bill of rights. Only in the English system parliament was considered sovereign as it represented everyone including the crown and the church. In the US system the constitution was considered sovereign.
Essentially the real mistake of both systems is personality matters more than words on a page. In 1997 the labour government here essentially gutted our "constitution" that while not written had been a long established way of doing things. Tony Blair created a number of new bodies outside of parliamentary control filled with friends of his who have essentially left us in a state of perpetual constitutional crisis. We have a "supreme court" since 2009 filled with left wing activist judges who make insane rulings often vetoing legislation passed by parliament. Something that simply was not a thing in the 1980's for example. The supreme court will make insane rulings and we are told that is the end of it even though my car is older than the supreme court.
Our constitution was subverted from within by our political class because it was unwritten but I have seen no evidence than the US has been any more resilient to this. It's essentially been done by the civil rights act and the national security state and by activist prosecutors and courts in certain jurisdictions like Southern Virginia, New York and Austin.
In my opinion the insulating factor that has slowed down the process in the US compared to the UK is that in a federal country power is more diffuse than in a unitary state. You have extra layers of competing interests with federal, state, county and local. The federal system also provides some kind of insulation in the event of a collapse of the federal system, administration can be devolved to a more local level. The British state has become very overly centralised since the second world war. The breakdown of the state would have serious consequences here.
The EU in many ways is essentially an American project, the saying of Henry Kissinger that he wanted to call Europe and get one person on the phone. American domination of Europe and its politics has become total since the second world war. The total corruption of European electoral politics started in Italy but has since spread further. The German green party and law & justice in Poland or a character like Mark Rutte being the most blatant modern example. Europe has totally outsourced its foreign policy to Europe, it's likely behind the scenes that the fed is probably backstopping the solvency of major European banks who have lent considerable sums to over indebted countries. Brussels is a very strange place that has become a strange Anglo transplant inside Europe.
I don't know quite what the EU agenda is when it comes to its overzealous regulatory agenda. The EU is an incredibly dysfunctional institution comprised of people with a zeal for regulation with 3 different bodies full of people without any useful function who are bored with plenty of time on their hands. It could just be a case of the machine running out of control. It could be some kind of petty vindictiveness by European lawmakers to try and hurt American special interests like big tech. Big tech is a mainly American and Chinese phenomenon. The nearest thing Europe has to Google or WeChat is SAP so it makes a ripe target because the blow back is minimal. Or it's a means by which the American regime can circumvent its constitutional handcuffs and the fact its beholden to these tech firms as donors and keep a lid on them by getting Europe to do its dirty work in regulating them. Kind of like how under 5 eyes when the law was still taken seriously the NSA would get GCHQ to spy on its own citizens.
This article is probably slop. That said something is happening in Iran.
Iran is a very unique case - Iranians are not Arabs. They have a different racial origin. Persia was forcibly converted to Islam when it was invaded but had a history as a great empire. I wonder if the Islamic revolution hasn't ultimately put some of the population off of it. Iran hasn't exactly had a great time of it. There have been riots over inflation that were probably genuine and not astroturfed by western intelligence. The birth rate is also incredibly low there. I have seen anti Islamic sentiments expressed by Iranians before.
I also know that Christianity is growing in India and Hindu mobs have been attacking and killing converts.