The whole H1B argument got me thinking about this. I think first and foremost we have to trust President Trump to continue his track record of promises made, promises kept. He will put American workers first.
We also have to think about what a Golden Age is. If we’re living in a period of great peace, prosperity, and happiness will many of our current arguments and debates become moot?
My thoughts are we should hold our fire and reduce our stress levels. President Trump’s vision for the future includes an economy so vibrant that people who want to work will have good paying jobs in their fields. The fear and resentment of being replaced by low wage foreign workers will become a thing of the past.
And based on President Trump’s first term actions, I have a hunch the H1B program will be overhauled to prevent foreign workers from being brought in at lower wages.
It's interesting reading some of the comments...
Sound money will definitely help - but where I think we really need help (aside from ending fiat currency) - is putting a stop to IP theft, the Chinese knocking off every damned thing that WE invented and selling a shit version for a fraction of the cost AND - stopping the endless barrage of EVERYTHING Chinese/Imports coming into this country - even craft items have been flooding in so guys looking to make some extra bucks doing woodcrafts can't because it's interrupted the market. People just Amazon it "for cheap" instead of attending craft shows and markets. Not all, but enough to disrupt things...
MADE IN USA needs to mean something again. I'd like for that to mean, durable, heirloom quality things that CAN be taken apart and serviced and not just chucked in the trash because of designed obsolescence. That's just bullshit.
One thing has held true and Germany, for the most part, has upheld it - and that's the fact that there's always room in the market for the best. Make the best, charge what it's worth and keep going.