I agree. HRC and Barry need to be the first ones in the dock! Once those two get their just rewards then the rest of the deep state will begin to say "Oh, crap, they might come after me!" Then they will be on their toes and be fearful, maybe like the spouses of people who had to take the jab. What happened to American citizens isn't right, and every perpetrator needs to face life ending punishment, IMHO.
Wait..where's Hillary?!?!!!
I agree. HRC and Barry need to be the first ones in the dock! Once those two get their just rewards then the rest of the deep state will begin to say "Oh, crap, they might come after me!" Then they will be on their toes and be fearful, maybe like the spouses of people who had to take the jab. What happened to American citizens isn't right, and every perpetrator needs to face life ending punishment, IMHO.
Long gone. You can't hang people twice.