We're sliding into a 1984 situation, which we're pretty much already there when they allowed the patriot act.
We live in a surveillance state now where this government has so much control, it can cease all production in a day. We are a nation that is reliant on what they produce, (oil). There are kill switches to shut down information, electricity, and transit.
We are living in a world-wide fool proof cage.
All incompetency in government and non-sense everywhere else, is being allowed and encouraged for demoralization.
Trump being elected and denied in 2020, on purpose to demoralize and anger the masses. Millions of illegals allowed entry, on purpose that created massive problems, and Trump is elected again to send them back... It's the Hegelian Dialectic, they caused the problems, now offer the solution. This particular problem is going to be a war.
Everything you're thinking about, with robbing the rich, and giving to the poor, isn't real.. The rich and wealthy are setup that way, it's their system.. You're thinking in terms of beating them at their own game.. Cash, currency, it is whatever they say it is, soon to be completely digital, which will be completely controlled, and again, put under a kill-switch.
THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THEM, is to not play, which means, you come up with your own energy sources, you come up with your own barter and trade systems, you live completely independent from everything this government provides... Like the Amish, who are also not immune from these bastards, like Amos Miller found out.
You as a pawn, do not get to decide anything these people do. Our government is a complete sham, every single "representative" is a sell-out-liar. You can't hold these people accountable, unless millions take up arms against them, and pretty much flip the board... and at that point, they'll just use missiles and level everything, and then hand over the land and survivors to foreign developers and create a massive slave state here..
(who are they? They are the old-money, the people who set the rates, the JP Morgans, the land owners, the railways, the stock market, the international traders and corporations) THEY control the justice system, they control the markets, THEY control the weapons, the vehicles, the satellites, and all the high-tech fortresses.
THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THEM, is to not play, which means, you come up with your own energy sources, you come up with your own barter and trade systems, you live completely independent from everything this government provides..... You should start living as an example then.. No driving license, hunting/ fishing license/ quit paying taxes/ don't buy vehicle insurance or home owners insurance.. show us the path
Robin Hood was a fictional story.
Still speaks about governmental excess and how The People must unite and fight back in order to force the government to see reason.
Sounds awfully familiar...
We're sliding into a 1984 situation, which we're pretty much already there when they allowed the patriot act.
We live in a surveillance state now where this government has so much control, it can cease all production in a day. We are a nation that is reliant on what they produce, (oil). There are kill switches to shut down information, electricity, and transit.
We are living in a world-wide fool proof cage.
All incompetency in government and non-sense everywhere else, is being allowed and encouraged for demoralization.
Trump being elected and denied in 2020, on purpose to demoralize and anger the masses. Millions of illegals allowed entry, on purpose that created massive problems, and Trump is elected again to send them back... It's the Hegelian Dialectic, they caused the problems, now offer the solution. This particular problem is going to be a war.
Everything you're thinking about, with robbing the rich, and giving to the poor, isn't real.. The rich and wealthy are setup that way, it's their system.. You're thinking in terms of beating them at their own game.. Cash, currency, it is whatever they say it is, soon to be completely digital, which will be completely controlled, and again, put under a kill-switch.
THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THEM, is to not play, which means, you come up with your own energy sources, you come up with your own barter and trade systems, you live completely independent from everything this government provides... Like the Amish, who are also not immune from these bastards, like Amos Miller found out.
You as a pawn, do not get to decide anything these people do. Our government is a complete sham, every single "representative" is a sell-out-liar. You can't hold these people accountable, unless millions take up arms against them, and pretty much flip the board... and at that point, they'll just use missiles and level everything, and then hand over the land and survivors to foreign developers and create a massive slave state here..
(who are they? They are the old-money, the people who set the rates, the JP Morgans, the land owners, the railways, the stock market, the international traders and corporations) THEY control the justice system, they control the markets, THEY control the weapons, the vehicles, the satellites, and all the high-tech fortresses.
THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THEM, is to not play, which means, you come up with your own energy sources, you come up with your own barter and trade systems, you live completely independent from everything this government provides..... You should start living as an example then.. No driving license, hunting/ fishing license/ quit paying taxes/ don't buy vehicle insurance or home owners insurance.. show us the path
I gave the Amish as an example, they're the ones who have it figured out.. and you can see what's happening to them. Follow them.