I've heard all the arguments about how it's evil to trade stuff for a life, but never anything about how much of a person's life is being stolen from them by criminals.
If criminals suffered immediately for doing crime, there would be very little crime to worry about.
Thats always been my argument against the "Life vs stuff" thing.
I paid for my stuff with money I earned working at a job I wouldn't be working at if I didn't need money to buy stuff. Every second I spend at that job represents a second I will never get back, in essence I wasted my life to get money. When a criminal comes along to take my things, they are taking the time I spent in that job earning the money to buy those things. So, do I value my things more than the life of a criminal whom I've likely never met or seen before? YOU'RE GODDAMNED RIGHT.
Needs to be the law nation wide.
I've heard all the arguments about how it's evil to trade stuff for a life, but never anything about how much of a person's life is being stolen from them by criminals.
If criminals suffered immediately for doing crime, there would be very little crime to worry about.
Thats always been my argument against the "Life vs stuff" thing.
I paid for my stuff with money I earned working at a job I wouldn't be working at if I didn't need money to buy stuff. Every second I spend at that job represents a second I will never get back, in essence I wasted my life to get money. When a criminal comes along to take my things, they are taking the time I spent in that job earning the money to buy those things. So, do I value my things more than the life of a criminal whom I've likely never met or seen before? YOU'RE GODDAMNED RIGHT.