How many hours have we all spent on the phone with East asians trying to get an appliance fixed, a TV contract upheld or our insurance benefits paid. The only country I have had luck with is the Phillipines.
And these experts are the ones who gave us telephone AI answering machines which are the furtherest you can get from "intelligence". The only thing worse is their "text" help which is nothing more than an idiot practicing nonsequiters.
How many hours have we all spent on the phone with East asians trying to get an appliance fixed, a TV contract upheld or our insurance benefits paid. The only country I have had luck with is the Phillipines.
And these experts are the ones who gave us telephone AI answering machines which are the furtherest you can get from "intelligence". The only thing worse is their "text" help which is nothing more than an idiot practicing nonsequiters.