This guy is about as legit, and his publicity is about as legit, as Kamala Harris' campaign.
He is an operative, a paid shill, a controlled opposition, just not sure by who.
Just does not smell organic.
His message is always that the aliens are friendly. He is promoting and perpetuating a movement to seek out alien contact. He claims to have insider information, yet he is just a medical doctor who left his practice and became an alien disclosure "expert?"
He claims to have briefed presidents. HOW? Where is his credibility coming from? Has Alex Jones briefed presidents? Kerry Cassidy? David Icke? This guy, as I remember, came out of nowhere with credibility already in hand, somehow. Just because he's a doctor?
How? Why him? How has he gained popularity? How has he made money? How has his operation continued to function? Who is paying the bills? This op has been going on for decades now.
Maybe Mossad would be doing this? Getting ready for Blue Beam?
The Zionists have used Christians or generations. What would it benefit them to facilitate a massive UFO/Alien disclosure? Tear down the other Abrahamic religions? Force a revelation of their messiah? A messiah of their own creation?
Greer is about as authentic as astroturf.
This guy is about as legit, and his publicity is about as legit, as Kamala Harris' campaign.
He is an operative, a paid shill, a controlled opposition, just not sure by who.
Just does not smell organic.
His message is always that the aliens are friendly. He is promoting and perpetuating a movement to seek out alien contact. He claims to have insider information, yet he is just a medical doctor who left his practice and became an alien disclosure "expert?"
He claims to have briefed presidents. HOW? Where is his credibility coming from? Has Alex Jones briefed presidents? Kerry Cassidy? David Icke? This guy, as I remember, came out of nowhere with credibility already in hand, somehow. Just because he's a doctor?
How? Why him? How has he gained popularity? How has he made money? How has his operation continued to function? Who is paying the bills? This op has been going on for decades now.
Maybe Mossad would be doing this? Getting ready for Blue Beam?
The Zionists have used Christians or generations. What would it benefit them to facilitate a massive UFO/Alien disclosure? Tear down the other Abrahamic religions? Force a revelation of their messiah? A messiah of their own creation?