I feel this way at church. The vast majority are still taking every vaxx offered. They sing the praises of Netanyahu. They applauded the pagers exploding. I about burst when a lady I was talking to gushed on and on about Mother Theresa and what a beautiful soul she was. I love my church family and boy am I praying for them all!
Same. I literally quit a bible study I'd been in for years when my small group all flipped out when I mentioned TikTok, telling me the chinese were spying on me. Meanwhile these old bags were vaxxed and boosted and one had just been diagnosed with vulva cancer. I mean WTAF
My Bible study group gave a young 20-something grief because she said she evangelizes on Facebook. They told her she needs to do it in person. I chimed in "Ya'll don't want to know where I go on line if you think Facebook is a bad place . . ." Fortunately once I spoke up, our teacher said "We all need to go to where the souls are and that includes on the internet. So if she can reach souls on Facebook, good job!"
BTW, could you please say a prayer for my Bible study teacher? She's been battling bronchitis for weeks now and is only getting worse. Sadly she has every vaxx except RSV (she was told that under 60 is not eligible for it otherwise she would have taken it)
Yeah, I had 9 or so women all pointing at me like Invasion of the Body Snatchers and squawking about how evil Tiktok was. All I said was that when the R/D (aka uniparty) got together to take something away from the people, we should wonder why, and that there was a whole lot of evangelizing going on over on Tiktok. My small group leader, who also taught the group as a whole, called me a couple days later to tell me I couldn't say things like that. I told her I wasn't gonna be told to be quiet by anyone. And bid them all adieu
Thank you!
I'm currently texting back and forth with the children's Bible study teacher (she's in her mid 70s) and she's fascinated by this discussion. She never thought about using social media and message boards to reach souls. She says that when the battlefield changes then tactics must change. The devil is on the internet so God's soldiers should be, too :)
I feel this way at church. The vast majority are still taking every vaxx offered. They sing the praises of Netanyahu. They applauded the pagers exploding. I about burst when a lady I was talking to gushed on and on about Mother Theresa and what a beautiful soul she was. I love my church family and boy am I praying for them all!
Same. I literally quit a bible study I'd been in for years when my small group all flipped out when I mentioned TikTok, telling me the chinese were spying on me. Meanwhile these old bags were vaxxed and boosted and one had just been diagnosed with vulva cancer. I mean WTAF
My Bible study group gave a young 20-something grief because she said she evangelizes on Facebook. They told her she needs to do it in person. I chimed in "Ya'll don't want to know where I go on line if you think Facebook is a bad place . . ." Fortunately once I spoke up, our teacher said "We all need to go to where the souls are and that includes on the internet. So if she can reach souls on Facebook, good job!"
BTW, could you please say a prayer for my Bible study teacher? She's been battling bronchitis for weeks now and is only getting worse. Sadly she has every vaxx except RSV (she was told that under 60 is not eligible for it otherwise she would have taken it)
Done! Yeah, I had 9 or so women all pointing at me like Invasion of the Body Snatchers and squawking about how evil Tiktok was. All I said was that when the R/D (aka uniparty) got together to take something away from the people, we should wonder why, and that there was a whole lot of evangelizing going on over on Tiktok. My small group leader, who also taught the group as a whole, called me a couple days later to tell me I couldn't say things like that. I told her I wasn't gonna be told to be quiet by anyone. And bid them all adieu
Thank you!
I'm currently texting back and forth with the children's Bible study teacher (she's in her mid 70s) and she's fascinated by this discussion. She never thought about using social media and message boards to reach souls. She says that when the battlefield changes then tactics must change. The devil is on the internet so God's soldiers should be, too :)