Carter did broker a lasting peace between Israel & Egypt. What do people here think of that? Yes, he was a tool of the swamp, & did some awfully stupid things, I blame that more on his naivety than on his ill will to humanity. Trump did write well of him (unlike nonname & others) & Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers"
I agree that he made some bad deals & he naively trusted the advice of the swamp, but wasn't he a good intending person?
I think that when Carter did not support the Shah of Iran, he brought us the Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iran hostage crisis and all of our Middle East problems. Thank you Mr. Peanut.
Carter lost the Panama Canal for us.
All in all Carter was a terrible POTUS.
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." is a good fit for Jimmy.
Carter did broker a lasting peace between Israel & Egypt. What do people here think of that? Yes, he was a tool of the swamp, & did some awfully stupid things, I blame that more on his naivety than on his ill will to humanity. Trump did write well of him (unlike nonname & others) & Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers"
I agree that he made some bad deals & he naively trusted the advice of the swamp, but wasn't he a good intending person?
I thought his problems came from naivety too. I guess we will see - I'll be looking at the condition of the flag draped on his casket.
I think that when Carter did not support the Shah of Iran, he brought us the Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iran hostage crisis and all of our Middle East problems. Thank you Mr. Peanut. Carter lost the Panama Canal for us. All in all Carter was a terrible POTUS. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." is a good fit for Jimmy.