Schools are nothing more that glorified baby sitting institutions. All the work done in the classes can be accomplished in a couple of hours, yet it takes all day to churn out bolts. Moms and dad's have to earn a wage to survive in today's world. Gotta have the schools act as nanny until 3pm.
Average person unable to afford life without two people working, so no home schooling. Taxed to death to fund the public schools to, with no opt out to get that money back
They don't. I forgot his name but the founder of America's modern school system said: "The purpose of this education system is not to produce men of letters, but drones to turn the gears of industry. " For those not understanding late 19th century vernacular, "men of letters " ment basic education.
They don't. It's a scam meant to make parents feel comfy and cozy about leaving their children with strangers while they slave away, working more than half he year for the govmint dole.
I wish I had homeschooled my kid, but I thank God four out of five of my grandchildren are being homeschooled. They are all four very intelligent. I seem to have more intelligent conversations and interactions with them, than many adults I've worked with.
I know two moms, both acclaimed and rewarded public school instructors. Between them, 5 kids. ALL 5 have had to repeat a grade. So, meme accurate, you cannot trust mom’s to be teachers. Sad!
Schools are nothing more that glorified baby sitting institutions. All the work done in the classes can be accomplished in a couple of hours, yet it takes all day to churn out bolts. Moms and dad's have to earn a wage to survive in today's world. Gotta have the schools act as nanny until 3pm.
This isn’t the way to win the argument with the general population, but why does the government care whether anyone’s children are educated or not?
They honestly got people by the balls.
Average person unable to afford life without two people working, so no home schooling. Taxed to death to fund the public schools to, with no opt out to get that money back
They don't. I forgot his name but the founder of America's modern school system said: "The purpose of this education system is not to produce men of letters, but drones to turn the gears of industry. " For those not understanding late 19th century vernacular, "men of letters " ment basic education.
I like that quote.
They don't. It's a scam meant to make parents feel comfy and cozy about leaving their children with strangers while they slave away, working more than half he year for the govmint dole.
Obviously the role of schools is to help those kids that don't have good Mums. Maybe we should look how good of a Mum our school teachers are?
I wish I had homeschooled my kid, but I thank God four out of five of my grandchildren are being homeschooled. They are all four very intelligent. I seem to have more intelligent conversations and interactions with them, than many adults I've worked with.
That is not a true statment, all the home-schooled I have known preformed above average.
Yes, I noticed the 99% too…. Not possible.
I know two moms, both acclaimed and rewarded public school instructors. Between them, 5 kids. ALL 5 have had to repeat a grade. So, meme accurate, you cannot trust mom’s to be teachers. Sad!