So train them off the street. No need to spend time and money to set up a Passionspiel requiring thousands of extras and an unreasonable risk of homicide. You are just making a special plea to rescue this idea from ridicule.
Neither you nor I have any idea how the play was supposed to go down, assuming there was one.
You and this video editor are doing the gaslighting. No evidence whatsoever, just an insistent interpretation of a Rorschach blot. "Look, it's a butterfly."
So train them off the street. No need to spend time and money to set up a Passionspiel requiring thousands of extras and an unreasonable risk of homicide. You are just making a special plea to rescue this idea from ridicule.
Neither you nor I have any idea how the play was supposed to go down, assuming there was one.
You and this video editor are doing the gaslighting. No evidence whatsoever, just an insistent interpretation of a Rorschach blot. "Look, it's a butterfly."