You’ve seen it already, and it will increase until the desired boiling point/flash point.
“Doubt” is the strategy and it can be traced all the way back to The View a few weeks ago when they perpetuated the ‘President Elon’ narrative to sow doubt and discord. The current attack against the incoming Trump Admin/Team/DOGE is nothing more than an extension of the lying narrative that came from The Swamp/Dems and especially The View.
They will not cease despite their loss. They nuked Trump over the vaccines. They’re nuking him over the incoming legal immigrant jobs, whatever they can twist and run with. The new Golden Age of America is coming and will not be stopped. 🇺🇸
Is Q is a psyop, designed to make people believe Trump is the chosen one? Maybe he is, but not in the way we think. NCSWIC, is true, but not in the way it’s portrayed. Eph 6:11 is quoted by Q, but not how people have perceived it.
There are a lot of Christians that believe in Trump & Q. But how does deception work? We know those who worship Satan have to reveal what they’re doing, and we can usually spot those things, so how would Satan deceive Christians? By masquerading as an angel of light…dark to light…now this phrase has a whole new meaning, can you see it?
Q said Trump was chosen by the military to fight Satanic pedophiles, the elite, the establishment, he was going to bring justice and the Golden Age, which sounds great, right? This is something Christians can get behind. We just have to Trust the plan, but what plan, whose plan? Well, if we see Q posting Bible verses like Eph 6:11, we assume it’s God’s plan, after all Satan wouldn’t point us to scripture, especially one that points to us being able to stand against the wiles (deceit,trickery) of the devil, right?! Unless of course it’s used to deceive us. Lest we also forget that Satan used scripture when he tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness in Matt 4. And wouldn’t he also use it as a form of mockery, using God’s word against us? “Wait until you find out who you’ve been talking to”. We always assumed it’s the WHs, but what if we were wrong?
Why does Trump recite the snake story at all of his rallies? Who is he talking about when he says the enemy within? We always assume he means the “enemy”, but maybe he’s telling us he is the enemy, after all they have to make their moves known, maybe he’s been the snake all along. Maybe we’ve been deceived into thinking that Trump and Q are the good guys fighting the bad guys, but what if they were all in on it together? Two heads of the same snake so that we won’t question “the” plan when they enact it, but instead make excuses, “5D chess, exposing evil”, etc. thereby making us believe the lie, that justice will prevail, arrests will happen, good will triumph over evil.
In the end God wins, which is true, but what if they mean their god? Satan, the god of this world. NCSWIC, we take it to mean that nothing can stop the WHs plan to save us. But what if it means, the plan to enslave all of humanity, nothing can stop it from coming? Which is true because it’s in God’s word. Satan will get his beast system, he will have his Antichrist and false prophet controlling it all, look at Revelation 13. This can’t be stopped. The true Golden Age won’t come until Christ rules and reigns on the earth.
Don’t you think it is strange that Elon Musk is now bffs with Trump? Or that we trust him? Or Vivek, or Vance? Or Theil? Or Sachs? etc. Billionaires are now the good guys? They are no longer a part of the elite? They are for the people? What’s really going on? Where is all this really headed? Let’s be honest, we would’ve never trusted those guys if Trump hadn’t given his stamp of approval, especially Musk, with his baphomet costume with the upside down cross, but now we make excuses, “he’s just trolling the Satanic pedos” or “he said he approves of the teachings of Jesus!” Matt 15:8 “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.“
If you noticed at his rallys in PA he was very uneasy when people kept trying to get him to say Jesus is Lord. He is not a Christian. Look at the stuff Elon is doing, he took $6 billion from Blackrock for xAI, he said AI is summoning demons, he wants everyone to connect to an AI hivemind, which I believe is the real purpose of Neurolink, with Starlink not really being about internet for all but will be used as a source of surveillance. And Trump is listening to this man.
Trump wants bitcoin as reserve currency, do you not think it will turn into a cbdc of sorts? He wants to create a North American Union with Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal with Mexico not far behind, just like the WEF wanted it to be for the NWO. But they couldn’t institute their plan if the people are against them. They need us to trust the one that will usher all of this in.
This is why the Bible says to trust God and not man. We are being deceived, we voted for the beast system to come into fruition. If Trump (or maybe Vance) and Elon are not the two beasts of Revelation 13, they are paving the way for them. We as Christians need to wake up.
I have been a Trump supporter since 2016, voted for him 3 times, was a Q follower since the days of 8 Chan, dismissed all the red flags going off in my mind for 8 years, well not anymore. Please pray for discernment, test the spirits, read the Bible, seek God for guidance. It’s disturbing to see that most of Trump’s spiritual advisors are prosperity teachers, the NAR proclaiming him as God’s David. We can’t blindly follow a man. We need to pray for his salvation. I hope I’m wrong about all of this, only time will tell. Truth will be revealed.
Amen.. This is Critical Thinking in depth. In these days everything is under scrutiny.
You nailed it to the wall Satan is not above using anything to deceive folk. Every human plan is fallible unless God is leading it. Watch and Pray at all times about all things
Please learn how to space paragraphs.
Looks like a copy/paste from somewhere else that probly had line breaks. It takes some efforts to format the copied text here on this board.
I fixed it.
You are correct, I posted it from my notepad on my phone, sorry I didn’t space it out, but I did write this, and this is what I believe. I’m not a fed. I’ve been here since the beginning, not really posting a lot like I did on our previous sites after they shut us down. Just consider what I’ve said.
You'll be treated like one. Certain opinions aren't tolerated here. Even if they are genuine.
Your information was good. No one can honestly refute your views. So now they've become copy editors. Wow.
Fixed it, sorry about that.
This is excellent. You have said how I have felt for a long while. Every bit of it. The Snake poem is what got me thinking. And the phrase nothing can stop what is coming. I am so glad you posted this. God Bless Us.
Yes, may the Lord bless us all and give us eyes to see and ears to hear the truth, no matter what that may be.
When you say you felt dead inside I did too. I couldn’t speak with any of my awake friends about it because they wouldn’t even question it. I am sad. Of course I have faith, but faith doesn’t bring joy. It can still be worry and fear about what we must endure while staying in our faith. Which could mean a very lonely walk without our loved ones.
Well I am here if you need to talk. Christ will give us the faith to endure, my focus is now on Him and I have peace with whatever comes. It’s not going to be easy, that’s why we need those of like mind and kindred spirit to lean upon. Hang in there fren
Nope. Passive softcore black pilling doubt will not prevail here. There is nothing you can do to change the truth into a lie. No matter what.
The same old glowfag "Trump is Operation Trust" - But this one is the "Elon Musk Remix".
This has been brought up by shills for many years. You are saying nothing new here.
Um you must have not researched deep enough Anon. NAR did not 1st claim Trump is “our David”. Kim Clement prophesied this in 2007/2008, amongst an 85% prophesied actual events come to past rating (non-human time, but most likely on God’s matching timeline) and then he repeated the Trump/White House/Seasons of Events over and over from 2010 until his death in 2015.
In the link below: Pay very close attention to Trey Smith’s simple summary video and The Dates of Kim’s given sermons.
I don’t think I said they were the first to claim it but they are proclaiming it and they are prosperity teachers.
Well for an educational moment that’s why I presented what I said. This goes further back because of God’s actual hand on Kim Clement. So it’ll help rule out any trickery or psyc-op. God decided this long before. And Q, may just be an extension of where all the 6-8 years of exact/near impossible without divine intervention, future Intel posts came from.
What if Kim Clement was part of the plan? What if his prophecy’s were only scripted?
I appreciate the information and will look into it, thanks