This is something I'm curious about as well. I'm heavily vaccinated from the military/military brat background. No covid shot though. I wonder how my daughter's body is impacted this if at all. Was the J&J shot technically safer than the others? I think it falls under the other company shots you mentioned?
Lots of people i know that got it have severe clots and pulmonary problems.
This is something I'm curious about as well. I'm heavily vaccinated from the military/military brat background. No covid shot though. I wonder how my daughter's body is impacted this if at all. Was the J&J shot technically safer than the others? I think it falls under the other company shots you mentioned?
Lots of people i know that got it have severe clots and pulmonary problems.
Military Brat here too. Angry at my vaccination schedule. I think I was over vaxxed because of my proxy to base.
Our family were sold lies through a culture that the government told us we were a " family". That's the reason I've justified my family's decision.
J&J is Janssen, yes. It got pulled in April 2021, ironically, because of "reported blood clots post vaccination".
Weird how they'll admit to that one but not the others.