H1B visa employees aren’t “cheaper” than anyone else. I know this first hand. I’ve hired people on H1B’s as they worked on their US citizenship. Then subsequently sponsored them which costs about $35k - $50k in legal fees and expenses.
To say they’re “taking” US jobs isn’t untrue but doesn’t tell the whole story either. In the tech industry there isn’t the labor force you’re led to believe. And the quality of candidates, omg some real turds of people out there. And entitled, now that could be a generation or a location issue. I’m not sure, but the H1B folks actually come across as grateful vs. the entitlement group.
All said, I try and avoid H1Bs because of the headache, but they’re not cheaper in any way. Not sure about other industries or why people think H1Bs are “cheaper” but from my experience, they just another body to fill a need the eventually either go back home or they get their citizenship. Oh and BTW the ones I sponsored where awesome folks and I’m glad they’re citizens now.
The lure of H1B is the indenturing. It takes employers a lot of effort to retrain new staff. Having H1B handle the tedious parts of business means they can be assured that business knowledge will stay with them for another 6-10 years until its time to replace it.
They don't rock the boat.
The pay is below market rate almost always unless the guy is in FAANG or some big firms.
They also are set up to answer all the off-hours calls, trouble tickets, holiday-time tickets, etc. I've never seen American folks hang around for those issues. It always goes to Rajesh or Venkat or Srini..
Getting rid of H1B, and also ensuring companies don't outsource everything away - should be priority # 1.
Stock prices will take a hit. Fuck em. We chose this over that.
H1B visa employees aren’t “cheaper” than anyone else. I know this first hand. I’ve hired people on H1B’s as they worked on their US citizenship. Then subsequently sponsored them which costs about $35k - $50k in legal fees and expenses.
To say they’re “taking” US jobs isn’t untrue but doesn’t tell the whole story either. In the tech industry there isn’t the labor force you’re led to believe. And the quality of candidates, omg some real turds of people out there. And entitled, now that could be a generation or a location issue. I’m not sure, but the H1B folks actually come across as grateful vs. the entitlement group.
All said, I try and avoid H1Bs because of the headache, but they’re not cheaper in any way. Not sure about other industries or why people think H1Bs are “cheaper” but from my experience, they just another body to fill a need the eventually either go back home or they get their citizenship. Oh and BTW the ones I sponsored where awesome folks and I’m glad they’re citizens now.
Here's what you're missing:
Are h1bs paid "market rate" or based on negotiated salary?
Do h1b work 40 hours on salary or more?
Do h1bs jump jobs every 2-5 years like other tech workers?
Do they ask for raises? Promotions? Rock the boat?
How much does it cost to replace an employee who leaves?
H1bs almost always cost less over time.
The lure of H1B is the indenturing. It takes employers a lot of effort to retrain new staff. Having H1B handle the tedious parts of business means they can be assured that business knowledge will stay with them for another 6-10 years until its time to replace it.
They don't rock the boat.
The pay is below market rate almost always unless the guy is in FAANG or some big firms.
They also are set up to answer all the off-hours calls, trouble tickets, holiday-time tickets, etc. I've never seen American folks hang around for those issues. It always goes to Rajesh or Venkat or Srini..
Getting rid of H1B, and also ensuring companies don't outsource everything away - should be priority # 1.
Stock prices will take a hit. Fuck em. We chose this over that.