What if they let him in so that he could then be arrested? I mean, if I knew someone was a verified terrorist, and they came to the border, sure I would let them in. Then I could keep a close eye on them. I would watch to see who they talk to, who their friends are, and see what they knew. Everyone here is saying this is a sinister agenda, but this might actually be a well executed and elaborate trap. The enemy also won't know what hit them. If their man gets across the border, then they will keep sending more undercover terrorists the exact same way. Absolutely brilliant.
What if they let him in so that he could then be arrested? I mean, if I knew someone was a verified terrorist, and they came to the border, sure I would let them in. Then I could keep a close eye on them. I would watch to see who they talk to, who their friends are, and see what they knew. Everyone here is saying this is a sinister agenda, but this might actually be a well executed and elaborate trap. The enemy also won't know what hit them. If their man gets across the border, then they will keep sending more undercover terrorists the exact same way. Absolutely brilliant.
"Don't interrupt while they are busy making mistakes "
Gather intel on known associates and gather them all up - seems plausible.