Let me set the scene. Holiday party on a military base in S California at my daughter and SIL's house. About 20 neighbor's and friends. My daughter had already given me the low down on everyone, Doctors, nurses, engineers, lawyers, teachers, IT guys, and she told me I would probably be happy because there were a couple who were die hard conspiracy theorists. I thought, cool, finally some people at a party with whom I can relate. Son in law introduces us to everyone and my husband and I try to pick out who we think are the conspiracy theorists. Keep in mind everyone is at least 20 or 30 years younger than us and they're all marines or spouses. One lady had a cold and I asked her what she was taking and she said nothing yet, but her husband had procured some Ivermectin from across the border, and she had just received some horse paste in the mail. Bingo! Two for me. Zero for hubby. Skip ahead an hour and we're all sitting around the firepit and I'm gauging the conversations. Someone brings up Hunter's pardon and I say it probably won't stand if they ever reveal the stolen 2020 election because fraud vitiates everything. Every neighbor's head snaps up and all eyes were on me. Sick wife and hubby, smiling from ear to ear, say, "Finally! Somebody awake on this military base." We exchange sources of information, I of course say I'm an ANON on GAW, the chans, and some channels on Telegram, and they talk about some podcaster I didn't know. A few people commented about other channels and before I knew what was happening I was being bombarded by sick wife and hubby about my opinions on various topics. They actually weren't as awake as they thought they were but they were on their way. And thanks to the fantastic GAW search bar and my own Folder I brought the sauce!!! All other conversations ended for the next 2 hours and every neighbor there asked me about something that concerned them before the night was through. All but four of these people were conservatives but they had very little clue about world events, Trumps stance and his agenda 47 and the great things he has planned for our Nation. We discussed everything from Q, the military complex, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, War and money laundering, 911, false flags 3 letter agencies, and so much more. Sick wife and hubby said they'd tried to talk to these very same people about Q and they would just kind of roll their eyes and change the subject. I told them to stop leading with anything Q. Sick wife and hubby didn't really understand delta's and they'd never read ALL the DROPS. I explained that I am the only QTARD in my family and when I saw no one was interested in Q but was interested in the things that affected them from day to day that's what I red pilled them on. I told this couple to look around at their neighbors whom they had never been able to reach and how they hung on our conversations, and the reason they did is because I showed them actual sources. I told them GAW is my go to for information because if you post something and you don't bring the sauce they will eviscerate you, lol. It really cuts down on the BS on the site. When we said goodbye men and women alike walked over and shook my hand, asking for the link to this site. Never in my life has anything like that happened to me. Even my daughter and husband looked at me with new found respect, and said they were shocked at how much information I relayed in such a short amount of time. I told them GAW gets all the credit. Ultimately GOD gets all the credit, but he gave us GAW.
My RED PILL session with my daughters neighbors
I remember a time when distraught frens would come on here and tell us their different families wanted nothing more to do with them regarding Q. It was a very, very difficult time as we were being shown the most distressing of things - especially the little children being trafficked or worse. Many just had to step away and I myself found I had to for a season. Psalm 23 was a great comfort.
I believe that He chose us to be sort of a Harbinger, going ahead and preparing the way for when the main act lands. We’ve seen so much, been told so much even before Epstein and NXIVM and much more before it was public knowledge. We have been vindicated although that’s no victory in itself as little children have been used in the most horrendous of ways……and worse.
I just want it all to end. But I trust there is a plan and God is in control. So for just a short time longer my frens, we must be patient. People are wanting to know and I firmly believe that President Trump was set aside in 2020 for the world to see just how bad America has fallen because of politicians, NGOs, the Media and talk show hosts, world leaders, etc. There was no way that President Trump could have Clinton and others arrested back in 2020, but Americans want that now. They’re ready to take back their country now. So dear frens, be prepared that just like our friend here, people are desperate for answers! You will know when the time is right to say something to someone just wanting answers. You’ll know. That precipice is getting closer so make sure you put on the Whole Armour of God every day because the evil one is out to kill maim and destroy. 17 days my frens.