The dry fog seems to be settled in over central Texas. Notes in comments.
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So I noticed the fog outside seems to be lingering around a lot longer than we normally see fog lingering. I went out and noticed that the air still feels drier than it would with fog. Normally foggy weather just has a really moist feeling and this doesn’t have that. The other interesting thing is none of the weather apps are seeing the fog. They’re just saying it’s cloudy or that it’s perfectly clear with 11 mile visibility. It’s all really odd.
Looks like cloud with zero ceiling. That's not the same as fog.
But clouds are still moisture. Even if clouds they should feel moist.
Not like fog. My brother has a plane, I've spent time sitting at airports with the clouds on the ground....
Talk to a local pilot,if you know any,these guys are weather experts after studying it, like their lives depend on it for years.
It’s also a much thicker fog than normal fog. Even in fog, I can almost always see my neighbor’s houses back behind me, but this fog is covering up even the trees halfway to their houses.
Yep still hazy and weird out at my mom's in between Dallas/ft worth. Totally grey. My entire fam has been stuffed up and hacking for a week or so now too
Wheres those Chinese drones? Interesting that Killary asked for Chinese help and then we get Chinese drones highlighted.
That clip of Hillary was not recent, it was from 2015 or 2016.
I was in that fog. The ground was wet. It was just a really fine moisture fog. I'm not saying that it has nothing to do with the ridiculous amount of chemtrailing that they have been doing, because I'm certain it did, just that it wasn't that strange a fog.
Just stop with this bullshit.