What if the Cybertruck had a smart summon feature that allowed it to be called from a distance. In a grim scenario, someone could place a deceased individual in the driver's seat, using the person's military ID and passport to falsely claim the identity of the driver."
This feature, known as "Actually Smart Summon" (ASS), was rolled out to select Tesla vehicles, including the Cybertruck, with the 2024.27.20 software update.
What if the Cybertruck had a smart summon feature that allowed it to be called from a distance. In a grim scenario, someone could place a deceased individual in the driver's seat, using the person's military ID and passport to falsely claim the identity of the driver."
This feature, known as "Actually Smart Summon" (ASS), was rolled out to select Tesla vehicles, including the Cybertruck, with the 2024.27.20 software update.
Such a short clip, but looks like there was no movement from the person.
Here's another video only slightly longer and not as close up....