Not true. The Amish have their own doctors. My parents and husband have been to one. They don't take insurance and they are extremely affordable. Also, where is your evidence that they have a lot of retarded children? I live next to a huge Amish/Mennonite community and I have never seen one.
And you never will see one.I live and do business with them near Lancaster Pa. They do not let those children in public they only go to church. They are cruel to their animals and they don't bath regularly. They are a communal society and it leads to inbreeding most all the children are never left off the farm and never allowed to go to town, so little sister looks pretty good when a young boys hormones are popping. They are not allowed to mix with the English. Most Amish and Mennonites are nice people they are not horrible, they are very shrewd business people.Mennonites on the other hand are more modern in their beliefs and most of the time do not like being aligned with the Amish. Both sides will make it adamant they are not the same. Don't tell me what you know about the Amish I grew up with them.
Not true. The Amish have their own doctors. My parents and husband have been to one. They don't take insurance and they are extremely affordable. Also, where is your evidence that they have a lot of retarded children? I live next to a huge Amish/Mennonite community and I have never seen one.
And you never will see one.I live and do business with them near Lancaster Pa. They do not let those children in public they only go to church. They are cruel to their animals and they don't bath regularly. They are a communal society and it leads to inbreeding most all the children are never left off the farm and never allowed to go to town, so little sister looks pretty good when a young boys hormones are popping. They are not allowed to mix with the English. Most Amish and Mennonites are nice people they are not horrible, they are very shrewd business people.Mennonites on the other hand are more modern in their beliefs and most of the time do not like being aligned with the Amish. Both sides will make it adamant they are not the same. Don't tell me what you know about the Amish I grew up with them.