225 JustHuman: LOOK WHO THEY ACTIVATED: "People who are obsessed about research and will just dig and dig until they fall asleep at their keyboards and then tell everybody about it." THAT'S US, ALL RIGHT! The deep state cannot withstand the plague of frogs! (twitter.com) - N C S W I C - posted 1 month ago by catsfive 1 month ago by catsfive +225 / -0 45 comments share 45 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I think you need to learn the word “psychopant.” A billionaire who was a democrat for 99% of Trumps Presidency becomes “republican” and you are looking at him as your savior.
C’mon man, have some self respect.
Wars do make strange bedfellows
While we're grammar correcting above anon, it's sperged not spurged.