Be sure to get a public claims adjuster to represent you before the insurance co. The ins co will try screw you, so you need somebody on your side who knows the ropes, to keep them accountable.
PAY for a public claims adjuster to represent you before the insurance company you also PAY...
My mother was in insurance way back when, and eventually pointed out what a scam it was. Along with how one of her agency owners seemed to like having young boys on his boat. RIP, Mom. We're gonna take down these pricks.
I don't think enough damage to make a claim. Mostly small limbs and tore up some shingles. It could have been worse if it had fell directly on my house. It still sounded like a bomb going off! Kek
Be sure to get a public claims adjuster to represent you before the insurance co. The ins co will try screw you, so you need somebody on your side who knows the ropes, to keep them accountable.
PAY for a public claims adjuster to represent you before the insurance company you also PAY...
My mother was in insurance way back when, and eventually pointed out what a scam it was. Along with how one of her agency owners seemed to like having young boys on his boat. RIP, Mom. We're gonna take down these pricks.
OH, and glad you're ok!!
I don't think enough damage to make a claim. Mostly small limbs and tore up some shingles. It could have been worse if it had fell directly on my house. It still sounded like a bomb going off! Kek