Yeah, there should be a fair but firm requirement to a) be a citizen of the United States or legal documented immigrant; b) a requirement to live a certain amount of time in your property if you buy within the US; c) said property is restricted from being sold to an international buyer. Would need to work out the specifics, however I think it would prevent scrupulous outside investors from snatching up and subsequently flipping real estate into a an asset which can be used for, say, money laundering.
I lived in a rental many years ago where the prior owner, which came before the landlord I rented from, had been taking the rent and not paying the mortgage, sending all funds back to their home country. They eventually fled back to Vietnam. We can't allow this if we are intending to give legitimate US citizens a priority chance at owning a home.
Of course there are ways that individuals can still game the system to their advantage, but there has to be some sort of mitigation method which helps actual citizens and restricts foreign speculation and acquisition of domestic property. Canada actually implemented such a stopgap measure because they have a major problem in this exact area.
I like it, but I would like to forbid all non-citizens, all foreign governments, and all foreign companies from purchasing any type of property in the United States. Many other countries do this, and it is smart policy.
I would also be ok with an income tax on non-citizens. If they earn their citizenship, then they would no longer be subject to that income tax. These would go well with my ideas on returning our government back to what was originally intended by the framers of our Constitutional Republic:
**Eliminating the income tax is only a part of what needs to happen to bring government back under our control. The right way to reform our current corrupt government, to collect public revenue in accordance with the Constitution and our founders intent, and to eliminate unconstitutional expenditures is to:
Reduce the federal government to the size and scope the founding fathers intended when they wrote the Constitution. Eliminate all departments, all agencies, all programs, all projects, all expenditures, and all roles not specifically delegated to it through the Constitution. This will eliminate almost all unconstitutional spending.
Eliminate all federal taxes on American citizens across the board. No other income taxes on citizens of any type at the federal level. This includes every single federal consumption tax: gasoline, diesel, communications, water, etc.
Enact tariffs on foreign trade, just as the framers of our Constitution intended.
Enact a flat 5% tax on businesses, but only on revenue over $500,00.00.
Enact a 10% federal income tax on all non-citizens living in our country. If they earn their citizenship, they would no longer be subject to that income tax.
Require all legal immigrants to live within the United States for 14 years before allowing them to become a citizen. During this time they must earn their citizenship and prove they truly intend to become an American. This would also eliminate most green card scammers.
Charge a minimum of $20,000.0 for a four year student visa, and $60,000.00 for a 4 year H1-B Visa. Taking American school slots and American jobs is going to cost non-citizens. Consider it a tax to be used to better America.
Enact a law prohibiting recurring taxes on any type of property.
Enact a law forbidding all non-citizens, all foreign governments, and all foreign companies from purchasing / owning any type of property in the United States.
Re-task the IRS to collect non-citizen income tax, tariffs, and the business taxes. Take away their "police" powers, and make them the accountants and auditors they were created to be.
Make it a capital crime for anyone in government to misappropriate, steal, or misuse our government funds, in any manner. Same principle as if you wrote bad checks at home, or ran up massive debt that you couldn't pay, or if you stole from your neighbors. The difference is it is a government public trust situation, and should have the penalty of forfeiting the life of the guilty party.
Yeah, there should be a fair but firm requirement to a) be a citizen of the United States or legal documented immigrant; b) a requirement to live a certain amount of time in your property if you buy within the US; c) said property is restricted from being sold to an international buyer. Would need to work out the specifics, however I think it would prevent scrupulous outside investors from snatching up and subsequently flipping real estate into a an asset which can be used for, say, money laundering.
I lived in a rental many years ago where the prior owner, which came before the landlord I rented from, had been taking the rent and not paying the mortgage, sending all funds back to their home country. They eventually fled back to Vietnam. We can't allow this if we are intending to give legitimate US citizens a priority chance at owning a home.
Of course there are ways that individuals can still game the system to their advantage, but there has to be some sort of mitigation method which helps actual citizens and restricts foreign speculation and acquisition of domestic property. Canada actually implemented such a stopgap measure because they have a major problem in this exact area.
Well said.
I like it, but I would like to forbid all non-citizens, all foreign governments, and all foreign companies from purchasing any type of property in the United States. Many other countries do this, and it is smart policy.
I would also be ok with an income tax on non-citizens. If they earn their citizenship, then they would no longer be subject to that income tax. These would go well with my ideas on returning our government back to what was originally intended by the framers of our Constitutional Republic:
**Eliminating the income tax is only a part of what needs to happen to bring government back under our control. The right way to reform our current corrupt government, to collect public revenue in accordance with the Constitution and our founders intent, and to eliminate unconstitutional expenditures is to:
Reduce the federal government to the size and scope the founding fathers intended when they wrote the Constitution. Eliminate all departments, all agencies, all programs, all projects, all expenditures, and all roles not specifically delegated to it through the Constitution. This will eliminate almost all unconstitutional spending.
Eliminate all federal taxes on American citizens across the board. No other income taxes on citizens of any type at the federal level. This includes every single federal consumption tax: gasoline, diesel, communications, water, etc.
Enact tariffs on foreign trade, just as the framers of our Constitution intended.
Enact a flat 5% tax on businesses, but only on revenue over $500,00.00.
Enact a 10% federal income tax on all non-citizens living in our country. If they earn their citizenship, they would no longer be subject to that income tax.
Require all legal immigrants to live within the United States for 14 years before allowing them to become a citizen. During this time they must earn their citizenship and prove they truly intend to become an American. This would also eliminate most green card scammers.
Charge a minimum of $20,000.0 for a four year student visa, and $60,000.00 for a 4 year H1-B Visa. Taking American school slots and American jobs is going to cost non-citizens. Consider it a tax to be used to better America.
Enact a law prohibiting recurring taxes on any type of property.
Enact a law forbidding all non-citizens, all foreign governments, and all foreign companies from purchasing / owning any type of property in the United States.
Re-task the IRS to collect non-citizen income tax, tariffs, and the business taxes. Take away their "police" powers, and make them the accountants and auditors they were created to be.
Make it a capital crime for anyone in government to misappropriate, steal, or misuse our government funds, in any manner. Same principle as if you wrote bad checks at home, or ran up massive debt that you couldn't pay, or if you stole from your neighbors. The difference is it is a government public trust situation, and should have the penalty of forfeiting the life of the guilty party.
Oh, and make everyone elected learn this simple, but critical, principle:**
Excellent add-on, Fren. Thanks for the reply. I totally agree with you!