Anyone know? Just curious - I must be close.
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I think you might be close to it fren. I forget the exact number. Keep at it. It will come :)
Plug along until it happens, thanks.
Yep pretty much. Also mod mail is a way you can get in touch with them. The next best thing would be general chat. Though I suppose a post like this is only normal ever so often :). I'm excited for you fren. U will get it
Is there any way I can pray for you today
No specific needs - all gong good at the moment. Big life changes (nothing bad) in the not too distant future so just discernment, I guess.
Ok fren I will keep you in my prayers. Big life changes sound exciting. U seem to have a good heart posture towards it. Discernment is always something I pray I grow in. It's so SO important. God bless fren feel free to reach out if you ever need prayer or a fren to vent to. We family now 🫂🙏❤️