We just got the 3rd highest amount of 24 hour snowfall in 125 years... if anyone accuses you of fear mongering, they aren't paying attention. Keep up the good work!
Nothing close to that... just 14 inches, northeast KS. I'm not trying to compare to other places, just saying that everyone here is in SNOWMAGEDDON hysteria mode.
π right on fren, just giving a lil nudge to anyone who would be blessed by it! But you always get the couple dickheads who want to say "dErP iT's CaLLeD wiNteR" π
God warns in order to be prepared, not in order to Fear. Fear has no power on its own, it must be received. "For God has not giving us a spirit of fear, but love, power and a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7)
Actually, fear is one of the most powerful motivators. Covid proved that. More people act out of fear than not. Jesus was crucified due to fear. Fear makes people act daily.
A gun to your head is a great motivator too, but God does not recommend that you live that way (if you can call living in fear,living) God said to his people 365 times in the Bible, FEAR NOT, one for each day of the year. Have we got the message yet? Fear is the mortal enemy of faith. Fear prevented 3 million of God's own people(from possessing) the land that God gave them, think of it GOD GAVE IT TO THEM but THEY WOULDN'T GO IN for THEY FEARED the people in the land ONLY TWO Joshua and Caleb (of that generation) had faith instead of fear and went in and possessed the land that God gave them, THE REST DIED IN THE WILDERNESS (Numbers chapter 13 and 14) And how about the whole Army that was stopped in their tracks BY THE FEAR OF ONE MAN, GOLIATH, only David a 15 year old boy, had faith and went against Goliath (1 Samuel chapter 17) In Hebrews 11:6 it says "WITHOUT FAITH IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD" God is with us why fear? SEE:(Romans 8:31) It is because we don't really believe God is with us. Fear of Covid drove people, to put in their bodies a substance that they did not even know the ingredients of, and that had not been properly tested. FEAR OF COVID made many comply (gladly) and kept them away from family gatherings, funerals, visiting loved ones on their deathbed, and can you believe it even from church, where they felt EVEN God wasn't able to protect them (from this big bad Boogeyman) called covid. Fear did all this. Hebrews 2:14-15 says, Fear has kept men in bondage all their life. LASTLY (although there is much more that could be said) 2 Timothy 1:7 says," God (HAS NOT) given us the spirit of fear" so if God has not given fear to us, who has? And since fear is not from God, we don't have to receive it, no one can make you afraid, you have to receive THEIR FEAR before it becomes yours. That basically was the original point I was sharing in the last post. These Bible truths will be a blessing to whoever receives them and walks in them, because when you learn to truly walk free from Fear, only then are you really alive. "For whom the Son sets free is free indeed" (John 8:36) π
You can help mitigate this on Teslas (and probably others) by leaving the car plugged.
The Model S has a 6kW battery heater, which will hit your range while driving in addition to the lower battery function - to help this, if possible when going on a long journey with the Tesla, put it on a supercharger for a few minutes - it will heat the battery up.
Back during the TP shortages of Covid I heard a story of our local store having somebody come in. They had bought a ton of it and realized they over bought and tried to return it after supplies were replenished and the store said no you bought it you keep it. Haha
You're right for warning the southerners they dont have the infrastructure or culture ti handle snowfall or deep freezes. If you are texan and are reading this; order bags of rock salt. Wrap your pipes with pool noodles, keep your biggest pan out for melting snow into water, and keep your cars' engine out of the wind
Same for the Midwest. I should have been planting peas in February and they would have done well, itβs crazy. Other things could have been planted in April when we normally still have snow.
Because he's a typical weather nerd/hobbyist, pimping himself as an expert model reader. So many of them reside on X, and so many of them simply hug the "snowiest" model and hype it, because their fear-mongering will generate more visitors/followers. The wide majority of them are rank amateurs...including this James Pettus joker.
We just got the 3rd highest amount of 24 hour snowfall in 125 years... if anyone accuses you of fear mongering, they aren't paying attention. Keep up the good work!
How much? The worst I remember in the UP was 38 inches overnight.
Yeah. Michigan says, "Hold my beer."
I was in Traverse City one winter for a few days and got to experience the "lake effect" white out. I left and haven't been back in 40 years!
Nothing close to that... just 14 inches, northeast KS. I'm not trying to compare to other places, just saying that everyone here is in SNOWMAGEDDON hysteria mode.
π right on fren, just giving a lil nudge to anyone who would be blessed by it! But you always get the couple dickheads who want to say "dErP iT's CaLLeD wiNteR" π
God warns in order to be prepared, not in order to Fear. Fear has no power on its own, it must be received. "For God has not giving us a spirit of fear, but love, power and a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7)
Actually, fear is one of the most powerful motivators. Covid proved that. More people act out of fear than not. Jesus was crucified due to fear. Fear makes people act daily.
A gun to your head is a great motivator too, but God does not recommend that you live that way (if you can call living in fear,living) God said to his people 365 times in the Bible, FEAR NOT, one for each day of the year. Have we got the message yet? Fear is the mortal enemy of faith. Fear prevented 3 million of God's own people(from possessing) the land that God gave them, think of it GOD GAVE IT TO THEM but THEY WOULDN'T GO IN for THEY FEARED the people in the land ONLY TWO Joshua and Caleb (of that generation) had faith instead of fear and went in and possessed the land that God gave them, THE REST DIED IN THE WILDERNESS (Numbers chapter 13 and 14) And how about the whole Army that was stopped in their tracks BY THE FEAR OF ONE MAN, GOLIATH, only David a 15 year old boy, had faith and went against Goliath (1 Samuel chapter 17) In Hebrews 11:6 it says "WITHOUT FAITH IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD" God is with us why fear? SEE:(Romans 8:31) It is because we don't really believe God is with us. Fear of Covid drove people, to put in their bodies a substance that they did not even know the ingredients of, and that had not been properly tested. FEAR OF COVID made many comply (gladly) and kept them away from family gatherings, funerals, visiting loved ones on their deathbed, and can you believe it even from church, where they felt EVEN God wasn't able to protect them (from this big bad Boogeyman) called covid. Fear did all this. Hebrews 2:14-15 says, Fear has kept men in bondage all their life. LASTLY (although there is much more that could be said) 2 Timothy 1:7 says," God (HAS NOT) given us the spirit of fear" so if God has not given fear to us, who has? And since fear is not from God, we don't have to receive it, no one can make you afraid, you have to receive THEIR FEAR before it becomes yours. That basically was the original point I was sharing in the last post. These Bible truths will be a blessing to whoever receives them and walks in them, because when you learn to truly walk free from Fear, only then are you really alive. "For whom the Son sets free is free indeed" (John 8:36) π
You can help mitigate this on Teslas (and probably others) by leaving the car plugged.
The Model S has a 6kW battery heater, which will hit your range while driving in addition to the lower battery function - to help this, if possible when going on a long journey with the Tesla, put it on a supercharger for a few minutes - it will heat the battery up.
Im running to the store after work and buying 2 months worth of tee pee.
Back during the TP shortages of Covid I heard a story of our local store having somebody come in. They had bought a ton of it and realized they over bought and tried to return it after supplies were replenished and the store said no you bought it you keep it. Haha
Some people were over buying to resell,it may have been one of those guys.
remember the memes of single squares of TP folded up in plastic baggies like it was coke? π€£
Yeah I went with a bidet toilet seat when that happened - took over a month to go through a roll, mostly from guests.
Better to wait until the roads are really icy to do that.
Don't NOBODY down south know how to drive in snow or icy conditions. Best to stay indoors and stay warm until it passes by.
You're right for warning the southerners they dont have the infrastructure or culture ti handle snowfall or deep freezes. If you are texan and are reading this; order bags of rock salt. Wrap your pipes with pool noodles, keep your biggest pan out for melting snow into water, and keep your cars' engine out of the wind
I'm FIRMLY in the rain zone π
I guess I'm just used to it living up here in upstate n.y. we hardly ever get big snows anymore. Guess I got to move south for snows now.
Same for the Midwest. I should have been planting peas in February and they would have done well, itβs crazy. Other things could have been planted in April when we normally still have snow.
Don't move too south. π We're only getting more rain.
Iβll trade you heavy snow for your rain. π
Snow has an R valu of about 1 per inch, hell yea ill make that deal!
I'd love to do "heavy snow" once. Our buildings and homes wouldn't survive heavy snow. Not built for it
Why in the world is it βsadβ that the Deep South will be rain? What a strange statement.
Because he's a typical weather nerd/hobbyist, pimping himself as an expert model reader. So many of them reside on X, and so many of them simply hug the "snowiest" model and hype it, because their fear-mongering will generate more visitors/followers. The wide majority of them are rank amateurs...including this James Pettus joker.
I don't get it either, some random twit screen cap I found on another site