Because there are a lot of confusion and mistaken ideas involved.
Firstly, it's important to get a fundamental grasp of the differences between: Common law, civic (statute) law; between living human beings and corporations; the distinction between legal identity (the "person" that is you defined under statute law) and actual living identity (you as a living man or woman, with inalienable rights granted by the Creator, not by the state.
Secondly, it's important to grasp the maze of legalize that has been used by the cabal and deep state everywhere to subvert common law (on which the United State constitution is based, actually, and which it codifies and upholds) and enslave people via their 'legal identity' aka the legal entity that exists created by statue law.
This affects nations as well, as these days, all nations have their own 'legal identity' in addition to their actual statehood. The incorporation of nations, such as the US, Canada or Australia, etc, is used to establish a legal identity, but this is separate from the actual nation itself, which exists prior to and transcendental of the legal identity.
There is a lot of confusion around these issues, and the opinions are vast and vary greatly, even among those who study and are very knowledgeable about the issues and history.
For example, just because Canada has an incorporated identity on a stock exchange somewhere does NOT mean that Canada the nation is that legal entity.
So whether there is a legal relationship between the corporate presence of Canada and the corporate presence of the USA does not actually affect whether the nation of Canada is part of the nation of the United States. They are two separate things, operating or existing in two very separate realms.
At least, that is my current understanding of this dimension.
The cabal tries to utilize the 'legal entities' it creates to gain control over other entities. We can see this in how the federal govt. for example, tries to gain power of the people of the nation using legal means; creating laws, regulations, etc, that encroach on and undermine actual rights of the people.
As far as I understand it, there is a whole sector of people out there who think like the last person in the OPs x comments; as if somehow the corporate entity of Canada is actually equivalent to Canada itself. It's not. So regardless of the legal incorporated entities that operate in that "legal" (but not necessarily lawful) realm, Canada and the nation of the US exist and are not part of each other. Yet.
The way to resolve these issues is for people to realize and uphold their lawful rights before God, as enshrined by and large under the US constitution, for example, and to NOT ALLOW legal entities to overpower and dominate them. The nature of this particular con job at play emerged powerfully during the COVID thing. "Mandates" are not laws. They are the legal state asserting their influence over citizens, unlawfully.
It all comes down to people understanding their right role and responsibility in front of the Creator. It was an understanding of that role and the associated responsibilities that inspired the founders to create a nation in which the People (living), not the government (legal), are the sovereigns.
Once the People realize and resume their rightful position and responsibility (to self-govern, and to control their government (not the reverse), then the corporate issues about Canada inc and DC inc and Australia incorporated etc, will vanish.
We need to understand these things so that we are NOT playing on THEIR playing board. People get sucked in to the "incorporated [nation]" issue by acting as if its all real. It's not, not in a natural sense. It's 'legal'. Created by governments, which are created by people. The creator has the responsibility to keep the created in check, and make sure it doesn't go rogue.
Not doing that is how/why the Cabal ascended so far, how the DS got so much control around the world.
This is why it is so important for each of us, as living people created by God, to understand some of the maze, the issues as well as the confusion surrounding these matters. The confusion is intentional, and often used as a weapon against us.
Thanks for the info. What else needs to be added to the following to reiterate and summarize your main points: The key problem lies in the widespread confusion and misunderstandings surrounding the differences between common law and statute law, the distinction between living individuals and corporations, and the concepts of legal identity versus actual living identity. This confusion is exacerbated by the intentional use of complex legal language by certain groups to undermine common law, subjugate people via their legal identities, and create legal entities for nations that differ from their true statehood. As a result, many people mistakenly equate legal entities with the actual nations, leading to misinterpretations of sovereignty and rights. The root of this issue is the failure of people to understand and uphold their lawful rights as intended by the founding principles of their nations, allowing legal entities to dominate. The deliberate confusion serves as a tool to control and oppress individuals, making it essential for people to comprehend and reclaim their lawful rights to address this manipulation effectively?
Every single one of us needs to understand what’s being discussed here.
Because there are a lot of confusion and mistaken ideas involved.
Firstly, it's important to get a fundamental grasp of the differences between: Common law, civic (statute) law; between living human beings and corporations; the distinction between legal identity (the "person" that is you defined under statute law) and actual living identity (you as a living man or woman, with inalienable rights granted by the Creator, not by the state.
Secondly, it's important to grasp the maze of legalize that has been used by the cabal and deep state everywhere to subvert common law (on which the United State constitution is based, actually, and which it codifies and upholds) and enslave people via their 'legal identity' aka the legal entity that exists created by statue law.
This affects nations as well, as these days, all nations have their own 'legal identity' in addition to their actual statehood. The incorporation of nations, such as the US, Canada or Australia, etc, is used to establish a legal identity, but this is separate from the actual nation itself, which exists prior to and transcendental of the legal identity.
There is a lot of confusion around these issues, and the opinions are vast and vary greatly, even among those who study and are very knowledgeable about the issues and history.
For example, just because Canada has an incorporated identity on a stock exchange somewhere does NOT mean that Canada the nation is that legal entity.
So whether there is a legal relationship between the corporate presence of Canada and the corporate presence of the USA does not actually affect whether the nation of Canada is part of the nation of the United States. They are two separate things, operating or existing in two very separate realms.
At least, that is my current understanding of this dimension.
The cabal tries to utilize the 'legal entities' it creates to gain control over other entities. We can see this in how the federal govt. for example, tries to gain power of the people of the nation using legal means; creating laws, regulations, etc, that encroach on and undermine actual rights of the people.
As far as I understand it, there is a whole sector of people out there who think like the last person in the OPs x comments; as if somehow the corporate entity of Canada is actually equivalent to Canada itself. It's not. So regardless of the legal incorporated entities that operate in that "legal" (but not necessarily lawful) realm, Canada and the nation of the US exist and are not part of each other. Yet.
The way to resolve these issues is for people to realize and uphold their lawful rights before God, as enshrined by and large under the US constitution, for example, and to NOT ALLOW legal entities to overpower and dominate them. The nature of this particular con job at play emerged powerfully during the COVID thing. "Mandates" are not laws. They are the legal state asserting their influence over citizens, unlawfully.
It all comes down to people understanding their right role and responsibility in front of the Creator. It was an understanding of that role and the associated responsibilities that inspired the founders to create a nation in which the People (living), not the government (legal), are the sovereigns.
Once the People realize and resume their rightful position and responsibility (to self-govern, and to control their government (not the reverse), then the corporate issues about Canada inc and DC inc and Australia incorporated etc, will vanish.
We need to understand these things so that we are NOT playing on THEIR playing board. People get sucked in to the "incorporated [nation]" issue by acting as if its all real. It's not, not in a natural sense. It's 'legal'. Created by governments, which are created by people. The creator has the responsibility to keep the created in check, and make sure it doesn't go rogue.
Not doing that is how/why the Cabal ascended so far, how the DS got so much control around the world.
This is why it is so important for each of us, as living people created by God, to understand some of the maze, the issues as well as the confusion surrounding these matters. The confusion is intentional, and often used as a weapon against us.
Thanks for the info. What else needs to be added to the following to reiterate and summarize your main points: The key problem lies in the widespread confusion and misunderstandings surrounding the differences between common law and statute law, the distinction between living individuals and corporations, and the concepts of legal identity versus actual living identity. This confusion is exacerbated by the intentional use of complex legal language by certain groups to undermine common law, subjugate people via their legal identities, and create legal entities for nations that differ from their true statehood. As a result, many people mistakenly equate legal entities with the actual nations, leading to misinterpretations of sovereignty and rights. The root of this issue is the failure of people to understand and uphold their lawful rights as intended by the founding principles of their nations, allowing legal entities to dominate. The deliberate confusion serves as a tool to control and oppress individuals, making it essential for people to comprehend and reclaim their lawful rights to address this manipulation effectively?