I've never understood how Carter claimed to be a Christian, yet never spoke out against abortion. Some could say, "it was too divisive when he was President". But what about the 50 years after he left office? I just don't understand, as a Christian myself, how someone could so casually avoid speaking out against the abomination of abortion. If anyone has insight into this discrepancy of Carter, please chime in.
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I know people who claim to be "Christian" and are "pro choice". They just tell themselves that the fetus is not really a baby until it's born (the trite "clump of cells" lie). They also twist and distort the bible to suit their desires, telling themselves (and anyone else they think will swallow their BS drivel) that "the bible was written by man". They cherry pick their way through the bible discarding anything they find inconvenient. They're free to choose what they call themselves (even if not true) and what to believe, but in the end they'll answer to the Creator as we all will.
On Carter, it sounds as if any pro life stances he had were downplayed by media so that the antihuman folks would look like they're in the majority --
"Strategic ambiguity" --