posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +210 / -1

The post linked below is about a testimonial from someone who sent tubes of topical Ivermectin to his or her father, with good results. That testimonial is presented in a text-image which I can't provide here. The brief text below (and in this post's title above) is from Dr. Makis. There are some comments (currently 4, but more will probably show up) after the post that provide possibly useful information as well.

The more evidence I see for the life-changing and life-saving properties of Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and other medicines, the angrier I get that certain Agencies and organizations, from the FedGov to state regulators to local medical & pharma businesses have made and STILL ARE in many cases making it difficult for the public to obtain them through normal channels. I have TWO local doctors who were kind enough to write Rx for Ivermectin for me; BOTH were later threatened for doing so.


My Take…

More and more Topical Ivermectin testimonials are starting to come in.

Every type of skin cancer can be treated with Topical Ivermectin: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.

You can start to see a response fairly quickly, within weeks.

Hint: You can buy 20-30 tubes of Ivermectin Cream on Indiamart for under $80USD.