I 100% believe I avoided the "vaxxines" and other maladies specifically because of this community.
At a physical, a couple years after the vaxxes rolled out, my nurse looked at me in shock when she saw I had not had it yet.
In fact, it was pretty funny.
She walked in and before she logged in to the medical system she said,
Good news! We just got the newest batch of vaccine boosters in today!
As she was mid-sentence she logged in and I had a flag on my file that screamed "UNVACCINATED" and the rest of her sentence was,
Buuuuuut, I'm thinking you're not interested in those today are you?
I smiled and said, "Nope, I'm good. I feel great!"
We went through the standard routines and as she was going to leave she bent down and whispered to me, "I took the first vaccine, but I am not taking any boosters either. I don't trust them."
She looked at me dreamily like a rockstar, someone she hadn't seen up close before, and walked out. I'm pretty sure my area is well over 90% vaxxed, so I was possibly one of a kind for her to see in the doctor's office.
I thought at the time, and I believe just as strongly now, I avoided the vax with 90% pressure from those around me IRL, but I had 100% having my back here.
We were sharing sauce and research all over the place. It wasn't just hopium, it was factium around here, and it no doubt saved many lives.
My corporate overlords pressured us to take it, which was overshadowed by the possibility of termination. Per company mandate, I had to submit a ticket to HR to explain why I was not taking it. I simply stated that I will not comply. I wasn't going to lie about religious exemptions. If they wanted to fire me, I was willing to sell my house and hire a lawyer.
The whole thing was absolute overreach into an employee's personal autonomy. Normies have no ideas how deep into fascism we had already descended.
I used to wonder how so many people could go along with the persecution of people simply for being different, i.e. Nazis hunting Jews and people watching it all go down and being okay with it.
I used to wonder how the Nazi prison guards could say, "I was just following orders," and then try to get away from their crimes of mass murder.
Then we went through the plandemic and I had a mask nazi bitch come sprinting across a grassy field on a clear sunny day to tell me to wear my mask higher on my face as I watched my kid running around raising money for charity. I was 20 feet away from anyone else.
Then I had people I loved murdered by the Covid Hospital Protocols. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were murdered by the Covid Hospital Protocols and the disinformation over a Nobel prize-winning "billions of prescriptions over decades" miracle drug in Ivermectin.
The Fascism came here, and devastated here, more than anyone knows because the media and big tech were complicit and lied before, during, and to this day about what really happened.
Fascism is when government and big business collude to control the population.
Does anyone in their right mind not think that the MSM, BigTech, Big Pharma, and the Government did not collude to control the populations of the world?
If the FULL TRUTH were actually known by the masses, we'd be talking about the Covid Conspiracy as the biggest war ever perpetrated on civilization in world history.
Before masks were really in vogue, I was at the vitamin shoppe with no mask and this Karen dressed like she was going into a level 4 biolab screamed across the store to stay on my side and not come near her!
I made like I couldn’t hear her and stepped closer to her and she went totally fucking berserk <grin>
we all played a role in this.. talkng about it.. sharing info about it..
Great point, Fatality.
I 100% believe I avoided the "vaxxines" and other maladies specifically because of this community.
At a physical, a couple years after the vaxxes rolled out, my nurse looked at me in shock when she saw I had not had it yet.
In fact, it was pretty funny.
She walked in and before she logged in to the medical system she said,
As she was mid-sentence she logged in and I had a flag on my file that screamed "UNVACCINATED" and the rest of her sentence was,
I smiled and said, "Nope, I'm good. I feel great!"
We went through the standard routines and as she was going to leave she bent down and whispered to me, "I took the first vaccine, but I am not taking any boosters either. I don't trust them."
She looked at me dreamily like a rockstar, someone she hadn't seen up close before, and walked out. I'm pretty sure my area is well over 90% vaxxed, so I was possibly one of a kind for her to see in the doctor's office.
I thought at the time, and I believe just as strongly now, I avoided the vax with 90% pressure from those around me IRL, but I had 100% having my back here.
We were sharing sauce and research all over the place. It wasn't just hopium, it was factium around here, and it no doubt saved many lives.
My corporate overlords pressured us to take it, which was overshadowed by the possibility of termination. Per company mandate, I had to submit a ticket to HR to explain why I was not taking it. I simply stated that I will not comply. I wasn't going to lie about religious exemptions. If they wanted to fire me, I was willing to sell my house and hire a lawyer.
The whole thing was absolute overreach into an employee's personal autonomy. Normies have no ideas how deep into fascism we had already descended.
I used to wonder how so many people could go along with the persecution of people simply for being different, i.e. Nazis hunting Jews and people watching it all go down and being okay with it.
I used to wonder how the Nazi prison guards could say, "I was just following orders," and then try to get away from their crimes of mass murder.
Then we went through the plandemic and I had a mask nazi bitch come sprinting across a grassy field on a clear sunny day to tell me to wear my mask higher on my face as I watched my kid running around raising money for charity. I was 20 feet away from anyone else.
Then I had people I loved murdered by the Covid Hospital Protocols. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were murdered by the Covid Hospital Protocols and the disinformation over a Nobel prize-winning "billions of prescriptions over decades" miracle drug in Ivermectin.
The Fascism came here, and devastated here, more than anyone knows because the media and big tech were complicit and lied before, during, and to this day about what really happened.
Fascism is when government and big business collude to control the population.
Does anyone in their right mind not think that the MSM, BigTech, Big Pharma, and the Government did not collude to control the populations of the world?
If the FULL TRUTH were actually known by the masses, we'd be talking about the Covid Conspiracy as the biggest war ever perpetrated on civilization in world history.
Before masks were really in vogue, I was at the vitamin shoppe with no mask and this Karen dressed like she was going into a level 4 biolab screamed across the store to stay on my side and not come near her! I made like I couldn’t hear her and stepped closer to her and she went totally fucking berserk <grin>