LOL. I've vilified and mocked that crazy cunt on X/Twitter for literally YEARS. You can SEE the crazy leaking from her damn eyes. Good riddance. I'm sure she thinks she can be hip and edgy and start her own podcast...but bitch, ain't NOBODY gonna be listening to your ranting. NO MORE.
But… but… Jennifer Rubin must have been 75% of WaPo’s midwit quota.
How are they going to get enough blandly cretinous dullards to fill her shoes?
May I suggest… Paul Krugman?
Is he still available? Or did he get "Qanon'd"???
Wait. Figures to leave? Who the hell is riding for CNN business? High school journalism interns?
She's another "figure" that's set to leave, not one which figures to leave.
Still, it's a dumbass way to state a person is leaving their workplace
And yet so appropriate
She should put ALL her money into a new leftist rag of some sort. Then she will need a real job.
LOL. I've vilified and mocked that crazy cunt on X/Twitter for literally YEARS. You can SEE the crazy leaking from her damn eyes. Good riddance. I'm sure she thinks she can be hip and edgy and start her own podcast...but bitch, ain't NOBODY gonna be listening to your ranting. NO MORE.
So she quit one Socialist rag only to join a truly Communist one?
Makes sense
Rubin and Eisen walk into a bar together...