The largest single 501(c)(3) recipient of taxpayer money is an entity I've never heard of, Battelle Memorial Institute, EIN 314379427. It accepted almost to 10 billion dollars in government grants last year—but, from his website, elite researchers can't figure out what this company does. Can GAW?
🧐 Elite Researchers! 🤔

As non profits? Thats the catch here. Sure there are for profit contractors needed to run labs. But non profits? Really? I thought 501c3s were for charities not government contractors.
That's not a catch. You are just misunderstanding what 503c's could be.
A 503c can be a charity. But it can also be other things.
The IRS code says it must be operated for exempt purposes.
Exempt purposes are
charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, preventing cruelty to children or animals.
They seem to clearly qualify as a scientific organization.
Their 990 also says they do make contributions of 20% of net income