The largest single 501(c)(3) recipient of taxpayer money is an entity I've never heard of, Battelle Memorial Institute, EIN 314379427. It accepted almost to 10 billion dollars in government grants last year—but, from his website, elite researchers can't figure out what this company does. Can GAW?
🧐 Elite Researchers! 🤔

Holy shit this is bullshit
You do understand the example you gave does not translate to that right??
They currently do a lot of STEM funding. Their 990 says they donate 20% of net income to charitable work.
20% of 9.8 billion alone is 50 million dollars and they gross more then that...i would think any organization dropping this amount of money...would have more to be proud of...I believe the only reason they participate at all could be their own reaction for having to pay 80million in 1975 for not doing the same up to 1969 when the suit started.
So it is pittance for what they bring in and from our government gives them 9.8 Billion on top of it...and hardly excuses the rest of Battel's direction and behavior....it's kind of like the business worlds version of the Mafia Widow's and Orphans fund.....so look over here at what we do and not over there and one action washes the other.
Sometimes bad people do good deeds but it's not because they need to feel like good people...but they want you to believe they are...and that's more important to them then anything.
So a CIA front want's to help educate children outside of the classroom but that is supposed to make it OK?
I'll pass.
You're off on the math and the facts.
20% of 10 billion is $2 billion dollars.
I said net income. The 10 billion is gross income. They net $100 million.
And why do you think they are not? Because you never heard of them before? Like what is your basis for a claim like this. Because I could equally make the opposite claim because it only took me a few minutes to find out them promoting their STEM charity work.
1975 was 50 years ago. You understand that, right?
and hardly excuses the rest of Battel's direction and behavior.
You literally just learned about them today. I mean come on.
And then you made up a bunch of stuff about them in your head.
Well...that being said....
The sum of what they are now appearing to emerge as is okay with you, I expect...in America your entitled to think as freely as you do.
I expect if Battel get's DOGE'd you will be sad and I will be happy and life will go on.
Still...Thanks, but no thanks...for a currently being exposed MiI Industrial Complex/CIA front Battel as an organization wants to hang it's hat on what it can do for education outside of the classroom.
This point alone seems tiny by comparison to what Battel as a 501 actually has become and despite of how "nice" they have seemed are not in everyone's best interest.
So didn't make up how I feel about anything....as I haven't seen enough benefit from our 9.8billion endowment to value what Battel does with our money.
And within the last couple hours...a failed chance to prove Battel's humanity....BioLabs for DOD and DHS....vaccine involvement.
Maybe I was wrong about the money but I am not wrong in how I feel about it...nothings made up, math aside everything I stated was from historical record.
And this spade is a spade. And I have no problem saying so.
You are free to think otherwise.