The largest single 501(c)(3) recipient of taxpayer money is an entity I've never heard of, Battelle Memorial Institute, EIN 314379427. It accepted almost to 10 billion dollars in government grants last year—but, from his website, elite researchers can't figure out what this company does. Can GAW?
🧐 Elite Researchers! 🤔

DARPA Battelle Connections
(From Grok)
Erik Mettala: A former DARPA executive, Erik Mettala joined Battelle Memorial Institute as the cyber chief scientist in its National Security Global Business Unit in 2011. He was responsible for cyber technology research and development, bringing his extensive experience from DARPA where he managed R&D programs including Internetworking Protocols and Robotics.
Dr. Justin Sanchez: Formerly a neurotechnology expert and the director of the Biological Technologies Office at DARPA, Dr. Sanchez joined Battelle as a technical fellow. His expertise in neurotechnology aligns with Battelle's work in brain-computer interfaces, notably with projects like NeuroLife.
David Friedenberg: A senior data scientist at Battelle, Friedenberg has been involved in projects that intersect with DARPA initiatives, particularly in the realm of brain-computer interfaces under DARPA's AI Exploration program called Intelligent Neural Interfaces. His work on decoding algorithms for neural interfaces directly aligns with some of DARPA's goals in this area.
Notable name is Friedenberg who is involved in Neural Chip research in AI. He had a company called "The Climate Company" and was the first Unicorn company in Agro-tech when he sold his company to Monsanto for 1.1 billion. "Cabal" written all over this fellow.
Side Note
Since a lot of people here believe Elon is working for the Cabal due to his NeuraLink, it would be quite expected that Friedenberg and Elon were connected, right?
Actually nope. Gives credence to the idea that Elon is a WH working on Cabal technologies, but in parallel as a way to wrestle mmonopoly away from the Cabal.