Just a rough theory with only a smattering of sauce, but I think merits a dig by you honey badgers...
1: Trump announced he wants to speak to the world the night BEFORE Inauguration Day, and;
2: What does he want to say that either couldn't wait a day, or what is he going to say/do that will
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
The night before? Why??
In a crazy world #1 Could be " My fellow Americans "
#2 What ever it is, it must be Important.
I don't see it like that at all. Here is what I think:
The overall war plan was put into place, with inbuilt controls for moves and countermoves, but always with the objective of reducing the enemy's influence, control and maneuverability. This includes what has played out of the past 4 years.
For that reason, the runout we are/have been observing since Nov 5 has long been a planned development, including the Panama, the Canada and the Greenland things. Narratives being run to accomplish specific objectives very few of which we are in any real position to analyse or understand. Speculation, certainly, but our role is not to know what POTUS is doing specifically, but to know what he is doing overall. I.e. the Plan.
So I think the runup to inauguration has been planned in a very specific way, including all the events, the J-19 event, j-20 and the Balls, etc. I don't know what the specific objectives are, but I certainly trust DJT and team, and am confident that the continued research and exposure efforts of anons are an important asset for the good guys.
I don't know that DJT has anything extremely special and important to say on j-19. Some people just seem to always been fixated on the "Big Thing" - the Big Drop, the "NOW!" the "Bang". The 11.3, the Big Flip, the Big Event, Scare Event, etc, and all the other theories that want to make something - one thing, the focal point. But the reality is, all that has been happening is part of the Big Thing.
The Massive Event is what has been happening the past 8 years. Sure, in 2018, 2019, even 2020, most anons thought it was all going to smash down like a hammer, a big turning point, and tumultuous event or series of events. Then, with 2021, we had to re-calibrate our sense of where this was all going and HOW it was going to go.
Maybe its time to consider, the real big events, the big important things, are what have happened (and will happen) in the background, in the invisible realm - the realm of cause - and everything else is simply the playout, the unfolding in the realm of effect.
All we observe are the effects.
Either way, the massive thing is the destruction of the satanic control structures that has been taking place over the past 8 years, and we have I think another 4 years to go to bring this stage of the whole thing to completion. At that point, the new direction will truly emerge.
OK, that kind of rambled, but whatevs. Time to order more popcorn and perhaps a few buckets of wings, too...
EDIT: well, I guess we'll see. But I'm not expecting anything that big. I mean, it's ALL big!
It's amazing how 4 years now come down to just a few more days. Alot has happened. Most of us are not the same people we were before Covid.
It will be interesting to hear what Trump has to say this Sunday the 19th. It is highly unusual for a President Elect to hold a rally the day before inauguration on an election that has already been won. My antennas will be up.
Thanks to this community many have become Awakened and more Aware about happenings in the world as well as physical health information that has been very beneficial for some.
Alot of us have felt betrayed by how the flow of information was being manipulated and controlled by the main stream media as they try to push their narrative of fake news disinformation.
With Truth comes Healing. Truth is like a Lion. You don't need to defend it. Just set it free and it will defend itself. We are The News. Where We Go One We Go All.
Nice comment. I like the Word of God reference. Was that Calvin or Spurgeon? I can never remember who quoted that one.