Decided to go turtle mode and duck on some calls until next Wednesday.
Planning on bringing a big bag of I told you so next time I get back.
Transplanted CA people, even the so called conservatives, are simply insufferable. Not today. I can't. I won't.
The sky is not falling.
Nothing is worth listening to any more of this. "Oh no, they'll never let him do any of this/what about the Russians / nothing ever changes." Man, shut the fuck up.
Abolish the IRS day one. Please. If I could open our next conversation with that little gem of "did you hear" it would be sweet.
Something big. Just sayin.
Been praying for the income tax to GO the fuck AWAY!! I cannot find a job to save my life and it'd be a 20k raise for my husband. Sick of being broke as fuck when he makes over 100k.
How is his 100k not also yours?
She probably doesn't want an allowance like a child and wants to feel like a full adult that contributes on her terms...
It does make me feel like a child at 43 yrs old. Thank u for understanding. I have literally everything I need and more but it's hard on him. Just causes conflict bc life has been so hard to afford, obviously he needs help. I WANT TO. I've always worked long before I even knew him and after. Cheers fren
It is! Not really what I meant. He buys things for me that we don't technically need as a treat bc that's how he is. Not wasteful but here and there, Yea we have a drink or 3 when we can. Sorry I made it sound that way. I do feel bad bc it's so frustrating for him.
If that's the attitude -- then a wife should be compensated as a chef, house cleaner, nanny, personal shopper, nurse, etc.
Dearest sir -- you could NOT afford the services a "wife" provides for free at the current market rate. Never think a "wife" doesn't "work" at home. Your job is an 8 hour day. Hers is 24/7.
Your apparent lack of understanding of what a "marriage" entails tells me that you have had little success with the institution. Your lack of awareness is appalling.
In the 45+ years that I have been married, my husband has NEVER made the claim that his income is his alone. That is because he is a wonderful man who understands the value of the "home" I provided for him and our children.
Shame on you if you have treated your wife as someone who is undeserving for all she does for your family!
Thanks for accusing me of not understanding bc I do. My point was, which I did not express very well apparently, was that it's very hard in him even making that.8 years ago, we'd have homeschooled our children and not worried about a thing w me not working. So now I feel awful that it's hard for me to find jobs despite going to "college" and working pretty much up until now. It shouldn't be this way. But anyways, thanks fren, but I do "understand". Maybe u dont
I am with you - I am so sick of hearing, reading about all the negatives that Trump might, may, or could do.
Working on a Boomer transplant's apocalypse cabin...... he's pulling cash he's taxed 48% to spend. For every five I get the gov takes ten. I've been telling him to chill. We could've waited until spring and done more for less. It's his cash, whatever, it's just the constant bitching. I'm not having it. If the sky hasn't fallen by the 23rd.....imma put my smug face on.
All is well. Nothing can stop something something.
You are right, @eyerighteye nothing can stop what is coming, satan and the deep state/dems are in their death throes which is why everything seems so bad right now. They are throwing everything they've got, we just need to hold the line, pray and make it through the inaugeration and confirmations so we can legally fight back against their continued attacks. The people like the guy you describe will either implode or skulk off and drop politics altogether, imo. Be wary of implosions my friend.
Is he a democrat?
Was a lifelong up to 2018, took my red pills and got into Q but abandoned hope after FJB inauguration. Became a blackpilled doomer after that.
It's fucked. Wishing for the worst negatives just to be right.
Terrible energy. So invested in getting ready for end times, cannot see it as a new beginning.
Nothing I need to do can't wait. So I'm waiting. One of us is right and we'll find out soon enough. I'm done arguing.
Doomin about doomin...
Sometimes it be like that.
So right. It has seemed never ending. But glad, even tho I don't know if mine shows up, we have the same tin foil hat pepe lol