Dr. Greer said these whistle blowers were going to release information over the next few months. It's alot of info. He said the reason was . 1. Let the public adsorb each bit 2. To see how the public reacts , and congress , government.3.for security reasons.. Greer started a podcast just for this. His words-to help the public digest..
Ross Coulthart is joined by retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet and former Defense Department official Marik von Rennenkampff to break down explosive new video showing the recovery of an "egg-shaped" UAP and whistleblower and military veteran Jake Barber's new revelations that he was part of a secret UAP recovery program.
Gallaudet and von Rennenkampff share why they are inclined to believe Barber's claims and what the U.S. government might do next, especially once President-elect Donald Trump takes office. Dr. Jim Segala, Ph.D. Dr. Segala also corroborates some of Barber’s claims that he sustained injuries while serving as part of the UAP recovery program. ---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaBVKjREg9I&t=3726s
You know what is so sad about this? I have heard so many stories, suspicions, etc. over the last decades that I don't even give a crap what it is or where it came from.
At this point in time, I would welcome a UAP in my back yard. If an entity came out of it, I would welcome it into my home for tea and biscuits.
I am not afraid of any of them.
Why? Because I believe in GOD. If HE put them here...they are welcome.
Make fun of me if you wish. But that is my stand. Not fear. But Welcome.
nanu-nanu On another note, I finally got one of those color changing "orbs" on vid just last night. Watched it slowly move from e to w, thought it was a satellite cuz, sometimes see those, but, it suddenly paused then did a U turn and moved back just a bit a lil north from where it was originally traveling then just stopped and sat there, when it was not moving, it blended right into the other stars unless zoomed in on. I am wondering now if those are some sort of low orbit tracker/mapper device, I mean, the very slow pace then it seemed to correct itself and move back to a specific coordinate and just stay there.. waited for bout half hour and it still not moved then the 2am cold fog started rolling in and couldn't see the night sky no more. Not the particle fog but, normal fog from when it is sunny during day and then drops down to freezing at night sort of fog. lol
Looks like this is a hoax according to this:
Dr. Greer said these whistle blowers were going to release information over the next few months. It's alot of info. He said the reason was . 1. Let the public adsorb each bit 2. To see how the public reacts , and congress , government.3.for security reasons.. Greer started a podcast just for this. His words-to help the public digest..
Ross Coulthart is joined by retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet and former Defense Department official Marik von Rennenkampff to break down explosive new video showing the recovery of an "egg-shaped" UAP and whistleblower and military veteran Jake Barber's new revelations that he was part of a secret UAP recovery program.
Gallaudet and von Rennenkampff share why they are inclined to believe Barber's claims and what the U.S. government might do next, especially once President-elect Donald Trump takes office. Dr. Jim Segala, Ph.D. Dr. Segala also corroborates some of Barber’s claims that he sustained injuries while serving as part of the UAP recovery program. ---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaBVKjREg9I&t=3726s
Ross Coulthart is a good journalist, he would not publish a video such as this without doing plenty of due diligence
They are going to be dropping info over the next few months.
It's the ghost of Epstein's penis!
Beat me to it, KEK. 🥚
Whistleblower details role in UAP retrieval program - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8tY9GDQc3E
Whistleblower says he recovered egg-shaped craft, other UAPs | - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGOpHdHSjTE
great find fren
Relax....It's just Mork from Ork.
Anybody got a link to the whole episode?
Found it..
thx fren.
Being a natural skeptic, the shadow doesn't look right to me. I'm just say'n.
You know what is so sad about this? I have heard so many stories, suspicions, etc. over the last decades that I don't even give a crap what it is or where it came from.
At this point in time, I would welcome a UAP in my back yard. If an entity came out of it, I would welcome it into my home for tea and biscuits.
I am not afraid of any of them. Why? Because I believe in GOD. If HE put them here...they are welcome.
Make fun of me if you wish. But that is my stand. Not fear. But Welcome.
nanu-nanu On another note, I finally got one of those color changing "orbs" on vid just last night. Watched it slowly move from e to w, thought it was a satellite cuz, sometimes see those, but, it suddenly paused then did a U turn and moved back just a bit a lil north from where it was originally traveling then just stopped and sat there, when it was not moving, it blended right into the other stars unless zoomed in on. I am wondering now if those are some sort of low orbit tracker/mapper device, I mean, the very slow pace then it seemed to correct itself and move back to a specific coordinate and just stay there.. waited for bout half hour and it still not moved then the 2am cold fog started rolling in and couldn't see the night sky no more. Not the particle fog but, normal fog from when it is sunny during day and then drops down to freezing at night sort of fog. lol
Veterans say they worked with 'psionic' military assets | - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j586fGXv8f4&list=TLPQMTkwMTIwMjXmoo5FXGWv9A&index=2