192 Trump Withdrawing U.S. From Globalist World Health Organization (www.whitehouse.gov) 🏆 - WINNING - 🏆 posted 1 month ago by ashlanddog 1 month ago by ashlanddog +192 / -0 Withdrawing The United States From The World Health Organization – The White House WITHDRAWING THE UNITED STATES FROM THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
No more should we be subjected to globalists overriding my rights as an American. In the words of a famous person “Up Yours”
Thank you Mr. President. We love you and support you.
The libs on redddit freaking out over this. As if he didn’t do it during his first term and nothing happened to them.
Yeah baby! We're out of the Paris Accord too!
And The External Revenue Service will handle all the money collected from tariffs!
...valid observation, nicely stated...
Fantastic news!
Excellent! Now, plese, sir, would you DESTROY THE ATF next?