Watch Trump work "outside the pizza box" on this... It would be hilarious if he announced he was working with Domino's to help fill the potholes in places where the DOT (or whoever is supposed to do the road work) is full of teams with one person doing the work and 10 supervisors.
Could you please come to Pennsylvania and fill our potholes Thanks 😘
Watch Trump work "outside the pizza box" on this... It would be hilarious if he announced he was working with Domino's to help fill the potholes in places where the DOT (or whoever is supposed to do the road work) is full of teams with one person doing the work and 10 supervisors.
Your state used to be known for terrible road conditions, but lately (I think) Maryland deserves the honors for horrible roads.
Don't forget our bridges.
Not sure what he wants to do. It may be over as it is 5:06 PM.