Oh, the horror. Thinks of all the sea floor creatures which will be crushed when it hits bottom. The animal huggers will have to go and scream on the beach in solidarity with the sea life.
It could be seen as symbolic, however, it is too worn down of a ship to refurbish. America will be made great again, the SS United States ****will create a coral reef and global warming theorists will have to sit and watch as coral makes a comeback in the Gulf of America.”
In terms of honoring ships and crew members I think it is alright to remember them and sink ships to create coral reefs. The cost to refurbish could be $1 billion and though I woud love to see a new ocean liner for the USA, I do not see a market for one.
Oh, the horror. Thinks of all the sea floor creatures which will be crushed when it hits bottom. The animal huggers will have to go and scream on the beach in solidarity with the sea life.
It could be seen as symbolic, however, it is too worn down of a ship to refurbish. America will be made great again, the SS United States ****will create a coral reef and global warming theorists will have to sit and watch as coral makes a comeback in the Gulf of America.”
In terms of honoring ships and crew members I think it is alright to remember them and sink ships to create coral reefs. The cost to refurbish could be $1 billion and though I woud love to see a new ocean liner for the USA, I do not see a market for one.
Read that may not be the best to restore coral reefs and we should instead recycle the iron!
+1 I am open to looking into this further as best methods are important. Thanks!
God's speed ol Lady....
US corp maybe?
Why not sell it for scrap?
they did that to her sister ship, the ss america, and look what happened to her...
kek. I'm superstitious . Sink it
Source: https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/18/travel/ss-united-states-departure-sinking-delayed/index.html