Executive Orders... a slippery slope.
I admit, I don't know much about EO's. But when I read that Trump reversed (canceled) the affirmative action EO from LBJ, I immediately wondered things like...
Who will cancel Trump's EO's?
When will that happen?
Won't a future President take it even further and do 500 EO's the first day?
The President is not a law maker... he/she is a law signer, so what precedent is trump setting?
Are EO's Constitutional?
Anyway, I like being on the winning side of these EO's, but I also don't want to somehow someday be on the losing side of them.
EO’s only direct executive branch employees on policy, behavior and expectations. They don’t apply to regular citizens. They are memo’s from the boss. He can’t issue an executive order to make us peeps do anything.
I get what you're saying, but they actually can apply to us in a pass-through sort of way. Executive Orders are orders from POTUS to the Executive Branch (only) that they have to implement and follow. There are 2 problems with them though... They are usually overturned by the next POTUS because they are not codified into law, and whatever POTUS is ordering his people to do will almost always hit us in some way.
It may be good, as in giving us savings because he eliminated a program, regulation, or agency. It may be bad, like Biden trying to forgive student loans that we could have to pay for. It may even be catastrophic - like the AG creating the FBI in 1908. Trump just ordered federal workers to go back to the office. They are of course members of the executive branch, but their families are also affected so the EOs can reach others outside of the branch.
If a father works from home so he can get his young kids on the school bus in the morning and get them off the bus in the afternoon and suddenly he can't anymore, he will have to get someone else (wife, grandparents, friend?) to do that.
The orders themselves are absolutely (like you said) for executive branch employees and agencies. They can't order us citizens to do anything without a law. But they can help or hurt us. I do think we got added protection when the Chevron Deference was overturned though.
Personally I think there should be very few EOs, and those that are important should be codified into law by CONgress. Like eliminating the DEI offices - write a bill for CONgress to outlaw them in government and push to get it passed. If it can't, then an EO will work until the next Dem kills it, but it is effectively only a temporary band-aid until the next "doctor" comes along and changes it.
100% this ^^^