Executive Orders... a slippery slope.
I admit, I don't know much about EO's. But when I read that Trump reversed (canceled) the affirmative action EO from LBJ, I immediately wondered things like...
Who will cancel Trump's EO's?
When will that happen?
Won't a future President take it even further and do 500 EO's the first day?
The President is not a law maker... he/she is a law signer, so what precedent is trump setting?
Are EO's Constitutional?
Anyway, I like being on the winning side of these EO's, but I also don't want to somehow someday be on the losing side of them.
I think we’re moving into Empire territory rather than a Republic, unfortunately.
Hopefully we can have it end better than it did for the Romans.
It is possible he will rescind the EOs once Congress gets its act together and passes legislation that accomplishes what the EOs do. Trump said America wants results, which is why he’s acting so fast. Hopefully it’s temporary, because I’m also concerned about executive overreach. But I don’t think it’s a probable situation.
There’s another possible situation that he’s doing this because Congress will pass legislation accomplishing the same goal BUT, in the meantime, he gets legal pushback from the Left. Depending on how those cases go, it could possibly neutralize the EO for the future except in extreme circumstances.