I am a J6er. My father's stepson reported me to the FBI. About half of J6ers were turned in by family.
John M. Cameron
@johnrockshomes • 23h
I am a J6er.
My father's stepson reported me to the FBI.
About half of J6ers were turned in by family.
I am a J6er. My father's stepson reported me to the FBI. About half of J6ers were turned in by family.
John M. Cameron
@johnrockshomes • 23h
I am a J6er.
My father's stepson reported me to the FBI.
About half of J6ers were turned in by family.
The News and Schools did.
The Schools brainwash kids.
They grow up and actually model their lives after what the News tells them is good.
The News told them Trump is so bad that you have to throw away yourself completely in order to show that you repudiate him. The News told them that simply turning a blind eye or showing compassion was actually a sign that you had also become infected by the evil.
It's a play as old as Moses. Try to see through it.