Latest from Camp Justice at Guantánamo Bay: We are experiencing an unscheduled power outage that has plunged the media center and other facilities into darkness. The court and sailors’ cafeteria are operating on generator power.
Update: With no transmission from the court, we’re been told to head over to the compound to see if the judge will hold the hearing anyway.
No 9/11 hearing yet. The stenographers have lost monitoring capacity. We were told to try again at 1400.
Promising: The generators are off at the court compound and the power is still on.
That's why POTUS brought back firing squads....those pesky electric chairs are always malfunctioning and use up too much electricity causing power outages.
So not ten days of darnkess?
I am disappointment
Start the clock boys...10 days and counting 🙄😆
Maybe done on purpose b/c they are bringing someone big? Dont want media or pics?
Customers Tracked: 1,427,614
Customers Out: 114,667
Last Updated: 2025-01-22 09:08:13 AM Latest update